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  • [PAID] Raid Studio: Icecrown Citadel

    Discussion in 'Neutral' started by Studio60, Mar 28, 2015.

    1. Studio60

      Studio60 Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 3, 2014
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      All your Icecrown Citadel needs fulfilled!

      • Farm Invincible's Reins and get the elusive, rare and amazing Invincible mount
      • Get Exalted Reputation with the Ashen Verdict
      • Farm Primordial Saronite and Shadowfrost Shards to help in obtaining the Legendary Shadowmourne
      • Earns a few hundred gold and Frostweave Cloth plus other sales profits
      • Comes with two different raid modes: Standard Run and Boss Run
      • Get a chance for obtaining the Super Simian Sphere to add to your Toy Box
      • Loots Transmogrification Gear (including the complete, upgraded T10-Set)
      • Obtain Music Roll: Invincible for your Garrison Jukebox
      • Travels to the Icecrown Citadel by itself
      • Does multiple vendor runs to keep only the items you need
      • Works with HBRelog (farm your heart out)
      • Can be restarted from each boss encounter in case of disconnects etc.
      Custom Raid and Loot Configuration

      • Uses the free Studio Companion plugin to give you an amazing profile experience
      • Picks the shortest travel route to the raid by considering over 150 possible travel options tailored to your character
      • Comes with a startup loot configuration depending on your class and professions
      • Lets you decide for each individual item what you want to do with it
      • Lets you disenchant/destroy items while in the dungeon to save inventory space
      • Lets you put items on a watch list and notifies you with a fanfare when it drops
      • Displays item tooltips and offers Wowhead links for all raid loot
      • Provides custom options for the raid


      Additional Information

      • This profile can kill the Lich King on 25-Man Heroic difficulty with any class
      • Invincible only has a chance to drop from the Lich King in ICC 25 Heroic Mode.
        To unlock the 10-player heroic mode on a character you need to beat the 10-player normal mode first
        To unlock the 25-player heroic mode on a character you need to beat the 25-player normal mode first
      • These profiles are restricted to characters on level 100
      • Icecrown Citadel is not trivial to bot on 25-man heroic difficulty. Bosses like Blood-Queen Lana'thel or Festergut are good DPS checks.
        If your character can't kill them, you can't clear the dungeon on that difficulty. Try another spec or another routine or simply get better gear.
        Example: Windwalker Monk, Level 100, Item Level 600, Singular CR killed Blood-Queen Lana'thel on 25-man normal difficulty with just a few seconds to spare
      • Valithria Dreamwalker requires you to heal her in order to beat the encounter. Classes/Specs without sufficient healing capabilities
        do skip this boss, but the dungeon can still be completed as this encounter is not mandatory anymore
      • The bot has no way of knowing if you have unlocked the heroic difficulty.
        If you have not unlocked it and still try to run it, then the bot will not be able to enter the dungeon.


      • Use Singular as combat routine. Others might work, but TuanHa for example does not accept all necessary Behaviorflags.
      • Use the QuestBot, because ... well these profiles need it. :)
      • You need at least 60 free inventory slots. There are a lot of drops waiting for you.

      Thread Management Rules

      The Support thread for a Buddy Store product is meant for:

      Anything else in a Buddy Store product Support thread is considered 'off topic' and may be deleted.

      Examples include, but are not limited to:

      • Price discussions
      • Comparisons to other products
      • Complaints without supporting evidence suitable
        for immediate corrective action by the author
      • Theory crafting
      • General chit-chat

      We ask that you please refrain from creating off-topic posts in Support threads.

      * Full Clear in regards to your character's capabilities. ICC does require a certain DPS to be beatable.
      Without the necessary healing output, the Valithria encounter can also not be completed..
      Last edited: Apr 9, 2017
    2. Studio60

      Studio60 Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 3, 2014
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      The bot just keeps running into walls. What's up with that?

      For unknown reasons, the meshes in Icecrown Citadel seem to cause issues every now and then. Usually deleting the following mesh folder "C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Bossland\Honorbuddy\Meshes\IcecrownCitadel" and restarting Honorbuddy solves the issue. In a future version I will try and let the profile delete those meshes manually before you enter the raid to improve navigational security. For now I would suggest to just delete the aforementioned folder before you run the raid.

      Why can't I enter icecrown citadel in 10/25 heroic?
      You must have defeated the lich king in the normal version before you can attempt the heroic version. Sadly there is currently no way to detect if a specific characters has completed that requirement. That is why it falls to you to choose the correct difficulty in the first week.

      Why is my pet being disabled every so often?
      There are a lot of abilities on enemies that can kill you or cause the encounter to bug out.
      Example: Lady Deathwhisper only uses her mind control ability she faces more than one enemy. If she were to mind control us, the encounter would reset.

      Class Tips

      • The bot will try Valithria as feral/guardian if you have the "Heart of the Wild" talent and warn you to not use "Ysera's Gift" otherwise as that will pull the boss.
      • Don't use your healing specialization (Restoration)
      • Consider turning off "Disengage" in your combat routine. You might fall of the citadel otherwise
      • The "Spirit Bond" talent is recommended
      • Frost specialization is strongly recommended
      • Ice Block gives you more time to finish up Festergut
      • A Combat routine that decurses helps with Curse of Torpor on Lady Deathwhisper
      • With Singular: Turn off polymorph in your combat routine settings
        Otherwise your toon will constantly polymorph adds in the Lady Deathwhisper fight
      • Don't use your healing specialization (Mistweaver)
      • Don't use your healing specialization (Holy)
      • Don't use your healing specializations (Holy/Discipline)
      • Don't use your healing specialization (Restoration)
      • With Singular: Turn off Fear in your combat routine settings.
        Otherwise your toon will constantly polymorph adds in the Lady Deathwhisper fight

      Boss Tips / Boss Information

      • If you keep dying due to 10 stacks of Gastric Bloat, then your character is simply not strong enough
      Blood-Queen Lana'thel
      • If you can't kill her before you turn into a vampire, then your character is simply not strong enough
      • Having the character ignore Swarming Shadows is a choice. It increases the DPS and the damage is negligible
      Sister Svalna (Valithria Dreamwalker Gauntlet)
      • Sometimes she impales players with a spear if she is not killed fast enough. There is no other way to avoid it
      • The gauntlet event can bug out if the attackers can't find a target (e.g. due to stealth being used offensively). A fail-safe is in place to reset the event
      The Lich King
      • If you keep dying to infest, then your DPS is not good in enough in comparison to your self healing capabilities.
        Infest is only removed when you have more than 90% health or when you are dead
      Last edited: Apr 9, 2017
    3. Studio60

      Studio60 Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 3, 2014
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      Upcoming Release
      Waiting for approval
      [I][B]Valithria Dreamwalker[/B][/I]
      - Updated gauntlet behavior
      [B][I]Lich King[/I][/B]
      - Fixed death behavior
      - Altered target priorities
      [B]The Lich King[/B]
      - Gap closing abilities are no longer allowed
      - Added new safeguards to recognize character death while inside a custom behavior
      - All Classes will now use Healthstones and Healing Tonics to remove the Infest debuff
      - Death Knights will now use Death Pact, Death Siphon and Death Strike to remove the Infest debuff
      - Druids will now use Healing Touch to remove the Infest debuff
      - Hunters will now use Exhilaration to remove the Infest debuff
      - Monks will now use Surging Mist to remove the Infest debuff
      - Paladins will now use Flash of Light and Lay on Hands to remove the Infest debuff
      - Priests will now use Flash Heal to remove the Infest debuff
      - Shamans will now use Healing Surge to remove the Infest debuff
      - Warlocks will now use Death Coil and Ember Tap to remove the Infest debuff
      - Warriors will now use Enraged Regeneration, Victory Rush and Impending Victory to remove the Infest debuff
      - Moved HBRelog functionality to Studio Companion
      - Death Behavior now loads the correct profile after reentering the raid
      - Added Studio Companion Support
      - Shapeshift failsafe for gunship battle
      - New abort condition for Lich King encounter
      - Fixed potential nullpointer exception in Lich King encounter
      - Added the feral version of the Heart of the Wild spell to the Valithria spell check
      - Added validation to the utility profiles
      - Fixed the path to the HBRelog profile that is called when all bosses have already been killed
      - Festergut: Bot will now move on even if he can't loot the quest item
      - Rotface: Bot will now move on even if he can't loot the quest item 
      - Professor Putricide: Fixed a bug that got accidentally introduced
      - Valithria Dreamwalker: Paladins will now skip this boss
      - Valithria Dreamwalker: Enhancement Shamans will now skip this boss
      - The Lich King: Combat behaviors will now end in case of death.
      - Festergut: Characters will now unlock the teleporter before trying to do a vendor run 
      - Characters that enter Northrend via Boat/Zeppelin in Borean Tundra will no longer fly over Wintergrasp
      - The bot now stops and asks for assistance if he can not sell enough items on the vendor run
      - Safespots where the character is waiting to drop out of combat now all terminate after 10 seconds
      - Added corpse run capabilities
      - Corrected profile names
      - Lord Marrowgar: Pets are now usable in this fight and they will focus Bone Spikes 
      - Gunship Battle: Wait time now ends as soon as the target location is reached
      - Gunship Battle: (Horde 25-Man Heroic) Gunship Armory will now be looted  
      - Festergut: Removed unnecessary debug output
      - Festergut: Increased required free inventory slots to 25 (from 20)
      - Blood Prince Council: Increased required free inventory slots to 25 (from 20)
      - Valithria Dreamwalker: Reduced required free inventory slots to 25 (from 40)
      - Valithria Dreamwalker: (Guardian/Feral Druid) Added a warning that the Ysera's Gift talent will pull Valithria Dreamwalker
      - Valithria Dreamwalker: (Elemental Shaman) Added Fire Elemental and Healing Rain as used spells
      - Valithria Dreamwalker: (Balance Druid) Added Starfall as used spell
      - Sindragosa: Pets now help in destroying Ice Tombs
      - Sindragosa: Changed movement pattern from Light's Hammer
      - The Lich King: Changed initial combat position
      - The Lich King: Added looting safeguard
      - Converted two lua variables to be local
      - Added a few wait timers to traveling logic
      - Release
      [B]0.9.150329.1 (Beta)[/B]
      - Optimized traveling with teleports/items
      - Added vendor runs on low durability.
      - Gunship Battle: Added 10-Player Gunship Armory
      - Festergut: (Paladin) Added Divine Shield to remove Gastric Bloat
      - Festergut: (Rogue) Added Cloak of Shadows to remove Gastric Bloat
      - Lady Deathwhisper: (Casters) Adds with "Shroud of the Occult" buff are now blacklisted
      - Rotface: Added Little Ooze to ignore list
      - Professor Putricide: Roaches in gauntlet are now treated as normal enemies
      - Professor Putricide: Disabled pet use to avoid Unbound Plague
      - Blood Prince Council: Slightly increased trash targeting distance
      - Valithria Dreamwalker: Added safeguards to gauntlet
      - Valithria Dreamwalker: Added 10-Player version of Cache of the Dreamwalker
      - Valithria Dreamwalker: (Paladin) Added "Lay on Hands" as possible heal spell
      - Valithria Dreamwalker: (Priest) Added "Halo" as possible defensive spell
      - Sindragosa: (Rogue) Stealth will now be cancelled before the gauntlet is started
      - Sindragosa: Changed debuff watch from Unchained Magic to Instability
      - Sindragosa: Added Ice Tomb behavior
      - The Lich King: Now disables pets in phase 2 to avoid death by Val'kyrs
      - The Lich King: The closing cinematic is now being suppressed
      - The Lich King: Reduced Ice Sphere reaction distance to 35 yards
      - The Lich King: Character now tries to stay within 35 yards of the arena center
      - The Lich King: Character stops casting/channeling when an Ice Sphere appears
      - The Lich King: (Paladin) Divine Storm and Avenger's Shield are now also used against Ice Spheres
      - The Lich King: (Rogue) Reduced wait time between Throw attacks on Ice Spheres
      - The Lich King: (Death Knight) Blood Boil and Death Coil are now also used against Ice Spheres
      - The Lich King: (Warrior) Thunder Clap, Whirlwind and Storm Bolt are now also used against Ice Spheres
      [B]0.9.150328.1 (Beta)[/B]
      - Added item data for vendoring
      - Added multiple vendor run opportunites
      - Added HB Relog functionality if the raid has already been cleared
      - Lady Deathwhisper: Implemented different target priorities für melees/casters
      - Gunship Battle: Fixed transition to Deathbringer Saurfang act
      - Festergut: Added Ice Block use for mages to remove Gastric Bloat debuff
      - Professor Putricide: Added Volatile Ooze and Gas Cloud to ignore list
      - Blood Prince Council: Disabled pet use on trash to avoid Blood Mirror self kills
      - Blood-Queen Lana'thel: Disabled pet use on trash to avoid Blood Mirror self kills
      - Blood-Queen Lana'thel: Removed Swarming Shadows avoidance to increase possible DPS
      - Valithria Dreamwalker: Added healing behavior for feral/guardian druids with Heart of the Wild
      - Sindragosa: Characters now let Unchained Magic run out once the debuff reached 20 stacks
      - The Lich King: Added additional ice sphere behavior for monks
      [B]0.9.150327.2 (Beta)[/B]
      - Updated teleporter use to be more flexible
      - Lord Marrowgar: Increased targeting distance on trash
      - Lord Marrowgar: Added Deathbound Ward to list of trash targets
      - Lord Marrowgar: Added Cold Flame avoidance
      - Gunship Battle: Added Horde version
      - Deathbringer Saurfang: Added Horde version
      - Professor Putricide: Improved roach management
      - Blood Prince Council: Added alternate priority system
      - Blood Prince Council: Changed Terminate Condition
      - Blood-Queen Lana'thel: Added Swarming Shadows avoidance
      - Valithria Dreamwalker: Added basic healing Behavior
      - Valithria Dreamwalker: Added Column of Frost Avoidance
      - Sindragosa: Redesigned Frostwing Halls Gauntlet to counter Blizzard bug
      - Sindragosa: Added Frost Bomb avoidance
      - The Lich King: Added Frost Sphere Behavior
      - Beta
      Last edited: Apr 9, 2017
    4. wuwusuma

      wuwusuma New Member

      Sep 22, 2014
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      greattttttttttttt ;-)

      And for the price ;-)

    5. Studio60

      Studio60 Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 3, 2014
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      Still running that thing like crazy to iron out every flaw I can find. Definitely the most challenging raid I took on so far. :) I hope I can submit it tonight so there is a chance for it to be live tomorrow morning (european time).
    6. Studio60

      Studio60 Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 3, 2014
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      Version 1.0.150330.2 has been submitted and is awaiting approval. It includes changes introduced in 1.0.150330.1 that did not go live.
      - Converted two lua variables to be local
      - Added a few wait timers to traveling logic
      - Release
      Last edited: Mar 30, 2015
    7. xruefulxstarx

      xruefulxstarx Member

      Oct 17, 2012
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      looks like another one of your profiles I will be adding to my collection
    8. Studio60

      Studio60 Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 3, 2014
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      That is awesome to hear. It would have been published a few hours ago, but I made a mistake with the designation of two Lua variables and the reviewing staff member caught it. A new build was alread submitted, but I have know idea how long approval will take.
    9. xruefulxstarx

      xruefulxstarx Member

      Oct 17, 2012
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      well right now I have 4 profiles on HBrelog of your raiding scripts with 11 chars (can not do MH on all chars) with 1 raid running through on all of them a day so this one will make it 5 days of raiding while I am at work. *high five* love the scripts
    10. Studio60

      Studio60 Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 3, 2014
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      Well, ICC is a bit special. so I'll give you a head's up:

      • You should easily be able to to 10-Man Normal with any level 100 char. I ran a few of my ilvl 595 chars fresh on level 100 through it without issues
      • It is basically the first raid of mine that requires some sort of minimum gear (for 25-Man Heroic difficulty)
      • It is also the first one where I implemented real boss checks based on your raid id so it knows if you killed something already.

      I can't pinpoint a definitive item level as it varies with combat routines and classes, but if you want to farm 25-man heroic reliably, then my gut feeling would be to have ilvl 640+.

      • Festergut will kill you if you don't have enough DPS to kill him before you have 10 stacks of Gastric Bloat
      • Blood-Queen Lana'thel will mind control you if you can't kill her before you turn into a vampire
      • Sister Svalna (pseudo-boss before Valithria Dreamwalker) will pin you to the ground and slowly kill you if you can't kill her fast enough
      • The adds on Valithria Dreamwalker will overrun you if you don't have enough HPS (in DPS-Gear) to heal her before there are too many of them

      Also keep in mind that on a few bosses pets are disabled. :)

      The best advice is: Watch it the first time to see if your toon manages to do it. Due to a Honorbuddy bug I can't currently offer corpse run capabilities to try again.
    11. Cyanide

      Cyanide Member

      Apr 11, 2012
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      just ran icc with this on my hunter, works perfectly. Singular doesn't want to use cds on bosses for some reason, but thats Singulars issue not profile. Will be buying this once trial is up. Thanks so much for the awesome profile!
    12. Studio60

      Studio60 Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 3, 2014
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      It is weird, I noticed a few singular issues as well. What I saw was that Singular refuses to self-buff my character, but i was too busy to write up a bug for Bobby.

      I am also very happy to see it worked for you. :)
    13. Studio60

      Studio60 Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 3, 2014
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      A few hours late with this message, but Version 1.0.150330.2 is now live. Happy Farming!

      - Converted two lua variables to be local
      - Added a few wait timers to traveling logic
      - Release
    14. cdtdc

      cdtdc New Member

      Jun 11, 2014
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      What building do you have in your garrison to the left of the stairs as your leave your hall, my toon runs into the building i have there and gets stuck... actually every toon i have runs in there and gets stuck
    15. DonSleza4e

      DonSleza4e New Member

      Jan 24, 2012
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      Wow you rocks!
      I denenitely try this one

      One more profile to create [and most difficult] and you are absolutely hero!
      Dragon Soul....... But I don't believe someone beat it :) Spine of Deathwing is something very difficultt to code i afraid)
      But I'm sure, people will buy even if price 50$
      It's difficult to do mount runs weekly with all my toons
    16. mcdeman

      mcdeman Member

      May 10, 2011
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      amazing stuff, thx! wait for Ulduar! :cool:
    17. Studio60

      Studio60 Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 3, 2014
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      I think you are in the wrong thread, dude. :) You are talking about my GarrisonButler bug report. Most of my garrisons have the same layout. When you leave the town hall to the left (going towards herb garden/mine) i mostly have the barracks and then the trading post, to right i mostly have inn/barn and then the bunker.

      i actually do have a rough concept written down on how to do Spine of Deathwing and I think it might work out. I don't have a timeline yet though.

      The Yogg+0 fight I have figured out. It is going to be a pretty custom design, but it is doable. But the raid in general is pretty huge so don't expect it in the next 1-2 weeks.


      In general there are a few things coming. It is not really the thread to discuss them, but I don't have a dedicated general thread about Studio60 profiles. :)

      This is what I am doing in the immediate future:

      1. General bugfixes to Hyjal/Blackwing Lair
      2. Implementing real boss detection into all raids
      3. Adding a "speed run" option to a few raids for people that want to skip trash where possible (BT especially comes to mind)
      4. Creating a free plugin that ties in with all my products to reduce travel time and offer configuration options for disenchanting, mailing, vendoring and maybe options for selecting particular bosses (where possible).
        The plugin itself will probably become mandatory for my profiles, but with it being free I can't see any harm in it.
      5. Always working on adding missing raids
      6. My Pet Battle Studio
      7. A few smaller projects I don't want to talk about to not give other developers ideas. :p
    18. DonSleza4e

      DonSleza4e New Member

      Jan 24, 2012
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      I believe, timer will do a trick
      5 seconds on 1 spot, another 5 seconds on another spot
      perhaps it will works

      I will wait :)
      Anyway, you are doing great job! ;)
    19. DonSleza4e

      DonSleza4e New Member

      Jan 24, 2012
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      I would like to say, #5 is much expecting - implement profiles for all pre-pandaria (i.e. soloable) raids that require farming - like Dragon Soul, Ulduar etc. Pandaria is too difficult atm
    20. bloodomen2014

      bloodomen2014 New Member

      Nov 1, 2014
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      Dude i love you), great stuff. continue in the same spirit. I would like to see in the future Firelands

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