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  • [PAID] [AH] [Grind] Bodyguard Reputation Grinder

    Discussion in 'Neutral' started by SynTacTix, Nov 20, 2015.

    1. SynTacTix

      SynTacTix Member Buddy Store Developer

      Oct 1, 2014
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      BuddyStore Product Link: Here

      Profile Summary:
      This profile will grind reputation for your active Bodyguard, this will not grant experience to your follower(s).
      This profile should work with all classes.

      I am trying to keep my profiles "Non-Faction" specific, so that they can be used on Horde & Alliance.
      You need to have a level 2 / 3 Barracks, and a Bodyguard assigned to the Barracks, then speak to the Bodyguard in your Garrison and ask him to follow you. This is not for experience, but purely for reputation (eg: Wingman).

      Bot Base:
      These profiles require to be loaded with the Grindbot [Grind].
      Suggested starting location will be in Spires of Arak.

      Version Notes:

      • Beta Release 20.11.2015: Project Initiated and Development started.

      Please provide feedback if you have used my profiles.

      If you experience any problems, please post a full log file and supply as much detail as possible for me to be able to replicate the problem.
      Also try to provide the coordinates of the problematic location by using the Developer Tools in HonorBuddy.

      Acronyms Used:

      [GB2] -> Gatherbuddy2
      [QB] -> Questing Bot
      [GRIND] -> Grind Bot
      [PB] -> Profession Buddy

      [A] -> Alliance Specific Profile
      [H] -> Horde Specific Profile
      [AH] -> Both Factions


      Our products & profiles are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
      You may share these profiles with anyone, but you are not allowed to make any changes and re-distribute my code without my permission.
      You may not use these profiles in your own commercial products.


      Item: ./Resources/Images/Logo 185x185.png
      Original Author: Pixel Lab Creations
      Date Obtained: 05-Aug-2015
      Obtained from: Self, the artwork is original
      License: Original artwork requires no explicit license for use in my own products.

      Thread Management Rules

      The Support thread for a Buddy Store product is meant for:

      Feature requests

      Constructive criticism with specific details

      Bug reports with a full log attached
      Ref: [Guide] How to attach your log

      Any thing else in a Buddy Store product Support thread is considered 'off topic' and may be deleted. Examples include, but are not limited to:

      Price discussions

      Comparisons to other products

      Complaints without supporting evidence suitable for immediate corrective action by the author

      Theory crafting

      General chit-chat


      We ask that you please refrain from creating off-topic posts in Support threads.

      Make sure you subscribe to this thread, to stay up to date with any changes.
      Last edited: Nov 20, 2015
    2. SynTacTix

      SynTacTix Member Buddy Store Developer

      Oct 1, 2014
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      I am looking for BETA testers for this product, anyone who is interested and who will provide regular feedback regarding success / problems, should inbox me their Store username so that I can add you onto the BETA.

      Current BETA Slots used: 1/8
      Last edited: Nov 20, 2015
    3. Sean25

      Sean25 New Member

      Dec 26, 2012
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