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  • [PAID] JadyMonk - Mistweaver Heal CC (WoD 6.2) [Premium version]

    Discussion in 'Monk' started by @alisha, Dec 3, 2014.

    1. @alisha

      @alisha Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 29, 2012
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      Join My Discord Group
      Feel free to ask support by Skype: alisha.hb


      Short links:


      Get access on BuddyStore ^.=.^

      • Free Trial for 2 Days before Buy! Login Your BuddyStore Account -> Hit Trial Button on Product Page JadyMonk Mistweaver Heal CR
      • You Can Refund Product in 7 Days After Buying.
        But be aware - all refunds are permanent.
        This Mean you will Never have chance to buy This Product in Future.


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      Any thing else in a Buddy Store product Support thread is considered 'off topic' and may be deleted. Examples include, but are not limited to:
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      We ask that you please refrain from creating off-topic posts in Support threads.
      Last edited: Aug 30, 2019
      AKTa2Baby and dubstep1337 like this.
    2. @alisha

      @alisha Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 29, 2012
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      /人 ◕‿‿ ◕人\ [ >>Alisha's BUG Tracker << ] - Please submit your bugs and issue you have here!

      >> PM me with your Skype login to Join Beta & Support Skype group for All My HB Products <<

      Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

      Q: How can i create my own preset? How to share it with my friends?
      A: Open GUI, setup needed settings, press <save as new preset> button, save preset. It will also apear after that in presets list. If you want to share it with your friend - copy it from: /<HB Folder>/Settings/JadyMonk/<Your Preset Name>.thgw

      Q: Default presets not saving my changes, i setup new settings and after i close HB and start it again - i see same old settings.
      A: You cant change settings for Default presets, if you need new preset - just your settings as new preset. Default presets always be rewritten, cause it have to update to new build of CR.

      Q: CR not working, what should i do?
      A: Please Read "Tips for those who have problems like crash or not doing anything" in this post, follow all steps. If u still have issue, report about bug.

      Q: CR not doing anything, not healing.
      A: If you trying to run CR in arena, be known than HB do not support arena, so you use it for own risk - there can be bugs, like lost connection between HB and WoW, after which to get it back you should restart HB.
      Also this can happens after:
      • you used HS (to port back to garrison or home), u ported to/out dungeon etc.
      • you havent restarted your computer for a long time, restart it - it should clear issue with session.

      Q: I have bug - CR not using an Ability <NAME>, using it in not proper time etc
      A: You maybe have issue with session. To check it
      • Start HB, open Dev tools, look auras (buff yourself before it Rejuvenation or Mark of the wild, to see actually active buffs)
      • Check: do u see TimeLeft number more than 0 from any buff (Renewing Mist and Legacy of the Emperor should have timer)? If not - u have bugged session, perhaps u run PC too long with out restart, restart PC and try again.
      • Try to use previous HB version (some HB release contains bugs)
      • Try to use Beta HB version: HB Beta version, sometimes they works better, than release one.
      • Restart PC (HB have some bug for session, when u haven't restarted PC for long time.

      Q: How do you make it target tank rather than raid grp/dungeon grp to heal (priority)?
      A: Set priority to single target ti start with bigger HP - so it will check it, and if tank have this HP - will heal it (critical heal for single target option), change priority to heal by role (tank\dps\heal) and by aggro

      Bug Reportion:
      • Make sure you use clean HB install without any updates and files overwrites. (What is clean install: Article How to Do Clean Install)
      • You shouldnt copy any other plugins\routines to HB install to do test
      • Also with clean install delete those folders:
        • C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Bossland
        • C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Bossland_GmbH
      • in BuddyStore disable streaming of all other products (My products -> disable streaming)
      • Set LogLevel in HB Settings to Diagnostic
      • Check HB Settings: Monk Mistweaver spec chosen
      • Turn off all addons in WoW
      • run bot again and log the problem
      • Attach full HB log in your post
      • Inform which Bot base you are using, Preset used name.

      Tips for those who have problems like crash:
      1. If you use HB release version and have issue - try to use HB Beta version (release version may be not compatible with HBStore compiler, etc)
      2. Install HB not in secure folder (do not install in in Program Files folders or Windows folders), suggest to install: C/HB/ or to non system Disk
      3. Be sure you running wow x32, not x64 (WoW Launcher -> Game Settings -> Launch x32 client instead of x64)
      4. Manually create folder: /<HonorBuddy_FOLDER>/Settings/JadyMonk/. and create there file LastChanges.txt View attachment 155050
      5. Restart HB - HB have some problems when porting\changing zone (more often happens on arena) - it loose connection to WoW and do not Call CR for any action, u should restart HB if this happens. Its not coming from CR, so i cant help you with this issue.
      Last edited: Oct 24, 2015
    3. @alisha

      @alisha Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 29, 2012
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      Providing Grounds GOLD recommendations


      Here are a few recommendations for those who want to do Providing Grounds Gold with Mistweaver JadyMonk CR.

      I done it with my monki ilvl 631:

      So here are my tips for You:

      1) Use Providing ground preset.

      2) If you have - use trinket which gives you mana by use ( i didnt have that for my to my regret).

      3) Setup trinket usage in Miscs tab (if you have mana - set to low mana, if u have HP, which gives you some Burst healing - set it)

      4) Make sure u have DPS state On in Combat tab, and DPS abilities on in DPS tab.Stance of the Spirited Crane will give you many help for DPSing enemy, so u will need less mana and be more helpful for your Providing Grounds team mates. Target enemy with less HP to be more helpful for your team.

      5) As for positioning - try to stay always in Melee zone, to be able to attack enemies from melee and also use aoe heal when needed.

      6) Avoid void zones that will be on ground from Large Illusionary Flamecaller - NPC - World of Warcraft, Small Illusionary Flamecaller - NPC - World of Warcraft - fire void zones, Large Illusionary Tunneler - NPC - World of Warcraft - earth void zones, which applies chomp debuff if you stand in it. so do not stay into them.

      7) The only debuff should be dispelling in Providing Grounds id Aqua Bomb, it will be dispelled automatically, but if you casting enveloping mist CR will not re-target automatically to it, so just do little move to cancel cast if you see such situation.

      Thats all, you will be get this easy :) Good Luck!

      Attached Files:

      Last edited: Dec 14, 2014
    4. @alisha

      @alisha Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 29, 2012
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      Beta Access - Searching for Active Beta Testers!

      Since there many people that want to participate in JadyMonk beta testing and i have limited by HB invitation count,
      to obtain beta tester account
      • PM me and provide extended information why do you want to participate in Beta-testing and how you can be helpful in testing?
      Requirements for testers:
      • Be active user of JadyMonk release version
      • Test incoming versions,
      • Provide bug reports,
      • Have characters 1 character lvl 100 - Mistweaver Monk,
      • Ability to test each beta and do report after testing,
      • Ability to be online in Skype conf.

      The advantage to be Beta Tester:
      • Be First who get all updates - access for Beta versions
      • You have a chance to make suggestions for improvement of the JadyMonk , the majority of which will be realized if the most of people using JadyMonk are interested in your proposed solution or I find this feature perspective.
      • And also - most active and helpful Beta Testers can gain additional JadyMonk key for free!
      Last edited: Aug 13, 2015
    5. @alisha

      @alisha Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 29, 2012
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      Recommended talents and Glyphs for PVE

      Tested with 2nd boss of Highmaul
      ilvl 613, average HPS 23k, Max HPS 35k (burst)

      Recommendations for Positioning in Combat for PVE
      Try to stand near the tank in melee range camp with other players or with Range DPS players camp.
      Your task in positioning stand in a place where you will be in a radius of no more than 8 meters away from the majority of players in order to most effectively use the AOE heal melee (Rushing Jade Wind).

      Stats priority for PVE:
      Intellect > Multistrike > Crit > Versatility > Haste > Mastery > Spirit

      How to Get Best efficient for Mythic Raids on T18T4

      Hi! While comparing logs with other healers, you should compare timeline for heal to get more info, why he have more HPS and also stats for toon, for example 770 Intellect difference can done much HPS in total.

      I can recommend, if you have more than 20% mana all the time during Raid -> to
      1) decrease mana from armor (prefer to use items without spirit)
      2) up start % to use for abilities, to use mana more efficiency
      3) if you perfectionist -> better to create individual presets for each encounter depending on your roles there and raid group composition.
      4) when you doing comparing to some other player (if it's not in your raid) you should also keep in mind that healers composition in raid (which you have and which he have) can have much affect to your\his ending HPS. For example if you having in Raid many Absorb healers like DC or Paly and he has less -> he will have better HPS just by that, when you will have less HPS cause some % of your potential heal will go there.
      5) also members skill are matter too
      6) make sure you are using revival in optimal moments and as many time as your encounter timing gives you ability to use it. At least 2 times per encounter

      So, totaling it's really depends on many-many things

      p.s. i do not recommend to use Detoxing glyph for all encounter, while it will have any good buff only on some.
      p.p.s Also i do not recommend to use Chi Burst for all encounters as well, as it's very specific and hard depends on raid alignment
      p.p.s same you should keep in mind that some encounters Tiger talent will be much better than Rushing Jade Wind
      p.p.p.s http://www.wowhead.com/item=128024/stone-of-the-elements hardly recommend to change it as soon as possible
      You may wish to check this thread on MMO Champion: http://www.mmo-champion.com/threads...ealing-6-0?p=34390283&viewfull=1#post34390283

      In perfect world you should adjust glyphs\talents for each encounter.

      You need to adjust default raid settings by your parameters of stats, tactic your party use for concrete fight, and raid party specific (count of members, type of other healers) and your role your raid leader gave for you.
      So you can come to more optimal, when u got results for some raids and can see and do analysis of statistic for your raid results.
      For example if with default settings you have left many mana, you may want to increase min HP settings for healing skills - to get them use more often.
      Same for use on min count (heal targets) of ppl other healing spells, depending on how many ppl in raid with you.
      For example for renewing mist, check how many free charges for it you in general - if you have to many of it most the time, decrease requirements of min count of ppl (healing targets) to use it.

      Revival, i recommend to use manually for serious raids, depending on what order your raid leader tell you to use it, to have most efficient and synchronicity with other healers in your raid.
      -> should be always used 2 times for each fight. If you not using it enough you loose ~10-12% of total HPS.

      For PVE talents i mostly can recommend consider changing 90 lvl talent (1 and 2) depending of fight type:
      Tiger should be default choice and used in 90% fights, when Rushing Jade Wind only in fights where you and your group are standing in together on most aoe phases like Gorefiend.
      For 30 lvl talent - chi wave is default choice, and for 100 lvl - pool of mists have to be all the time.
      For glyphs must have is: http://wowhead.com/spell=123334
      Recommended: http://ru.wowhead.com/spell=146950
      Situational: http://ru.wowhead.com/spell=146954 - for fights where you need to do dispel as well.

      Also for talents, i'd recommend you to read guides for fights and forums for healers and monks in concrete, so you can see what monks ppl recommend and test it by yourself, it's best way.

      Also if you want to have best result, make sure your goal if to get 4T Set bonus, as it will give you ~25% HPS increase.

      For stats prior: Maximize your MultiStrike than Crit (you need to have at least 30% unbuffed for first one and 15% for second).

      Basic sites for all class i recommend to read:
      http://www.icy-veins.com/wow/mistweaver-monk-pve-healing-stat-priority (+http://www.icy-veins.com/forums/forum/22-monk/)

      +you may want to analysis top monk heals from ranking:
      which talents/glyphs they use for which fight, to get best result. which equip they use and what stats of main parameters they have. It will require some time to filter out ppl, but it can give you some advance too.
      Last edited: Nov 23, 2015
    6. dubstep1337

      dubstep1337 Member

      Feb 6, 2012
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      Which PvP Talents do you recommend? And is there a way to get this CR now? Have rated bg in 2.5h ;)
    7. Mioni

      Mioni New Member

      May 3, 2014
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      nice, make ww monk maybe? :p
    8. @alisha

      @alisha Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 29, 2012
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      will be in BuddyStore soon, just wait please :)
    9. dubstep1337

      dubstep1337 Member

      Feb 6, 2012
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      will there be a trial?

      so far it sounds pretty good.. even if it is not 100% pvp ready.. and I'm an pvp only player :)
    10. @alisha

      @alisha Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 29, 2012
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      Yes of course :)
    11. ChrisAttackk

      ChrisAttackk New Member

      Apr 4, 2011
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      How much will this be going for Alisha?
    12. buddyforum

      buddyforum New Member

      Mar 5, 2011
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      what makes this routine better than TUANHA Monk WoD premium?
      if you can convince me this is better (i.e. a free trail) I will consider buying it...
    13. @alisha

      @alisha Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 29, 2012
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      Happy to say JadyMonk live and avaliable from BuddyStore with 4 days free trial! :eek:
    14. buddyforum

      buddyforum New Member

      Mar 5, 2011
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      nice! I will give it a run right away! thanks for the update
    15. Airwavez

      Airwavez Member

      Oct 18, 2012
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      Trialing now, will give you an update on my highmaul heroic adventures :)

      640 MW
    16. @alisha

      @alisha Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 29, 2012
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      just got, that its the name of new loc and raid on english xD
      Highmaul - Zone - World of Warcraft
    17. runittwiice

      runittwiice New Member

      Mar 7, 2014
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      Oh boy oh boy, def. getting this <3
    18. LexZ

      LexZ New Member

      Oct 6, 2013
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      Gonna try your CR in my HC raid tonight - will give feedback about it soon :)
    19. Myminime

      Myminime New Member

      Oct 8, 2012
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      Oh my lovely alisha your sweetie hands haves created this pearl, thanks :) i go to testing this "green bombom" <3 <3 <3

      I know your work with kitty, is awesome!!!!
    20. @alisha

      @alisha Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 29, 2012
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      Coming Next Build:
      Fix: Pause CR while Mounted
      Fix: Cooldown tracking can return not correct numbers
      Fix: All eating buff now recognize correctly (do not cast while we eat!)
      *NEW* Detox Min mana to use
      *NEW* Added Preset: <Raiding Manual>
      *NEW* Mana Management Optimize
      *NEW* options to setup Minimum Targets without Renewing Mist HoT to Cast

      New build pushed, waiting HB Team approval :eek:

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