При смерти в инсте (соло фарм инста), не ресается, лежит там где умер... 13:157 my HP% 13.3 MANA% 100 Consecration: Oathsworn Myrmidon [CGSpellBook::CastSpell] Override ID: 26573, KnownIndex: 23 We died, Clearing current POI Cleared POI - Reason Player Died Cleared POI Stopping the bot! Stop called! Bot Stopped! Reason: User pressed the stop button Behavior flags changed! All -> All Behavior tree thread did not return within 1000 ms to stop, and was forcibly aborted
Еще пример [QDBG] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior. Goal: RunLikeHell: In Progress [RunLikeHell-v501(debug) @line 186]: Disabled Combat Goal: RunLikeHell to <-10736.92, -1394.579, 15.35329> Goal: RunLikeHell to <-10753.12, -1377.985, 15.35329> Goal: RunLikeHell to <-10824.94, -1415.685, 15.35329> Goal: RunLikeHell to <-10895.38, -1390.012, 15.35329> Goal: RunLikeHell to <-10892.22, -1329.875, 15.35329> Goal: RunLikeHell to <-10867.86, -1312.063, 15.35329> Goal: RunLikeHell to <-10903.53, -1344.831, 15.35329> Goal: RunLikeHell to <-10877.02, -1401.697, 15.35329> We died, Clearing current POI Cleared POI - Reason Player Died Cleared POI Лежит на месте смерти, более в логе ничего не пишет Если вручную нажать на рес, летит от духа ко входу в инст, останавливается около входа. View attachment 8200 2013-10-09 00.52.txt Использую немного измененный под соло фарм профиль http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorb...-raf-power-leveling-solution.html#post1104509 [83-85] Lost City of Tolvir