[2012-12-07 00:14:59.559] Targeting mode: ByHealth [00:14:59.559] Logging in... [00:14:59.562] OS Culture: ru-RU [00:14:59.622] [Debug] Finished exporting images to C:\Users\вит\AppData\Roaming\TankLeader [00:15:00.287] [00:15:00.290] Logged in! Initializing. [00:15:00.353] TankLeader v1.0.412.103 started [00:15:00.353] Using WoT with process ID 32200 [00:15:00.353] Executable Path: E:\Lemon96 skins v52 shtrihovka\TankLeader 1.0.412.103\TankLeader.exe
[2012-12-06 22:14:43.673] Targeting mode: ByHealth [22:14:43.673] Logging in... [22:14:43.676] OS Culture: ru-RU [22:14:43.716] [Debug] Finished exporting images to C:\Users\вит\AppData\Roaming\TankLeader [22:14:44.315] [22:14:44.320] Logged in! Initializing. [22:14:44.403] TankLeader v1.0.412.103 started [22:14:44.403] Using WoT with process ID 31320 [22:14:44.403] Executable Path: E:\Lemon96 skins v52 shtrihovka\TankLeader 1.0.412.103\TankLeader.exe [22:14:49.261] Aiming mode: ByHealth [22:14:53.745] [Error] WoT exited!