任务模式进去直接报错。kick和cava的脚本都不会动。cava进入svn更新环节就开始卡主。没有速度。kick读取之后hb卡在初始化脚本的状态就没有然后了。 副本模式进去副本自动上几个buf之后就在门口傻站着。不会动。手动跑过去选怪之后也不会打怪。707的时候好好的。这是怎么搞的 View attachment 6228 2013-12-13 19.21.txt 这是我最后一次运行副本模式进入副本没有反应的log
Blizzard may have activated a detection routine and Honorbuddy will be offline until we are sure we know what is happening. Rest assured that we are taking your account safety seriously and will not bring Honorbuddy back online until we are sure it will not cause a mass loss of accounts. Forums will remain open for threads and posts, however constant new threads about Tripwire, excessive spamming, personal attacks, etc. will not be tolerated. Action will be taken accordingly. Thank you for your understanding. 官方出 announcement了,看来了要等等才行。