Authentication failed. This key has been used in the Europe region recently. You can use your key only on one region at a time. Your session on the China region has been invalidated. 验证失败。 这把密钥已经在欧洲地区已经使用最近。您可以一次只能在一个区域使用您的钥匙。您对中国地区的会话已经失效。 如何才能选择 china登陆,很久没上过了,这几天发现更新了很多,要怎么样才能选择中国呢?
[13:33:40.665 N] Logging in... [13:33:40.797 D] Logging in to China ( [13:33:42.141 N] T: 5247674314634178331 H: 815851755 [13:33:42.227 N] This key has been used in the Europe region recently. You can use your key only on one region at a time. Your session on the China region has been invalidated. [13:33:45.007 N] Authentication failed. This key has been used in the Europe region recently. You can use your key only on one region at a time. Your session on the China region has been invalidated. [13:33:45.758 N] Logging in... [13:33:46.029 D] Logging in to China ( [13:33:51.948 N] T: 5247674314687678548 H: 4283185759 [13:33:52.050 N] This key has been used in the Europe region recently. You can use your key only on one region at a time. Your session on the China region has been invalidated. [13:34:04.078 N] Authentication failed. This key has been used in the Europe region recently. You can use your key only on one region at a time. Your session on the China region has been invalidated. [13:34:05.139 N] Logging in... [13:34:05.971 D] Logging in to China ( [13:34:06.790 N] T: 5247674314887095119 H: 2539322855 [13:34:06.889 N] This key has been used in the Europe region recently. You can use your key only on one region at a time. Your session on the China region has been invalidated. [13:34:09.283 N] Authentication failed. This key has been used in the Europe region recently. You can use your key only on one region at a time. Your session on the China region has been invalidated. [13:34:10.069 N] Logging in... [13:34:10.368 D] Logging in to China ( [13:34:11.187 N] T: 5247674314931077408 H: 3985296399 [13:34:11.291 N] This key has been used in the Europe region recently. You can use your key only on one region at a time. Your session on the China region has been invalidated. [13:34:12.564 N] Authentication failed. This key has been used in the Europe region recently. You can use your key only on one region at a time. Your session on the China region has been invalidated. [13:34:13.182 N] Logging in... [13:34:13.544 D] Logging in to China ( [13:34:18.347 N] T: 5247674314962830194 H: 2587644423 [13:34:18.454 N] This key has been used in the Europe region recently. You can use your key only on one region at a time. Your session on the China region has been invalidated. [13:34:19.732 N] Authentication failed. This key has been used in the Europe region recently. You can use your key only on one region at a time. Your session on the China region has been invalidated. [13:34:20.758 N] Logging in... [13:34:23.262 D] Logging in to China ( [13:34:35.542 N] T: 5247674315060004075 H: 1128015445 [13:34:35.644 N] This key has been used in the Europe region recently. You can use your key only on one region at a time. Your session on the China region has been invalidated. [13:34:39.424 N] Authentication failed. This key has been used in the Europe region recently. You can use your key only on one region at a time. Your session on the China region has been invalidated. [13:34:40.538 N] Logging in... [13:34:40.867 D] Logging in to China ( [13:34:41.787 N] Invalid product key! [13:34:44.500 N] Authentication failed. Invalid product key! [13:34:45.334 N] Logging in... [13:34:45.676 D] Logging in to China ( [13:34:46.597 N] Invalid product key! [13:34:48.468 N] Authentication failed. Invalid product key! [13:34:49.095 N] Logging in... [13:34:49.358 D] Logging in to China ( [13:34:50.384 N] Invalid product key! [13:34:51.804 N] Authentication failed. Invalid product key! [13:34:53.107 N] Logging in...
Authentication failed. You are not authorized to connect to this server. Reason: Too many failed login attempts.