H: 440396574 Winterbuddy v1.0.467.176 started Reloading AssemblyLoader<Nyx.Utilities.Plugins.IPlugin> - Initializing plugins Compiler Error: c:\Users\JulianDaniel\Desktop\winterbuddy2\Plugins\CitsuHelper\CitsuHelper.cs(302,92) : error CS0117: 'Nyx.Game.Internals.Inventory.InvBagID' no contiene una definición para 'Mount' Compiler Error: c:\Users\JulianDaniel\Desktop\winterbuddy2\Plugins\CitsuHelper\Features\GlobalHelper.cs(103,76) : error CS0117: 'Nyx.Game.Internals.Inventory.InvBagID' no contiene una definición para 'Mount' Compiler Error: c:\Users\JulianDaniel\Desktop\winterbuddy2\Plugins\CitsuHelper\Features\GlobalHelper.cs(131,80) : error CS0117: 'Nyx.Game.Internals.Inventory.InvBagID' no contiene una definición para 'Mount' There are 0 plugins Hi guys, does anyone knows why the bot does this?. (ive followed citsus guide and im a demonbuddy almost pro user, so no noob questions plz ) thx and regards!! If I remove citsu 2 plugin appears!!, but as soon i copy citsus helper, the error come back. Is there a problem with citsuhelper? JDM