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  • 07/04/2016 - 3/3 permabans. Started and banned today (1 old bot-account still alive)

    Discussion in 'Ban Section - Ban Reports' started by Necrosium, Jul 4, 2016.

    1. Necrosium

      Necrosium Member

      Jun 17, 2016
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      About your server...
      Realm: (X) EU; ( ) Pacific; ( ) US;
      Type: ( ) PvE; (X) PvP; (X) RP;

      About the account...
      Account created after the 16-Dec-2015 banwave? (X) Yes; ( ) No; (created evening yesterday and started to use about ~10 AM today)
      Account had previous suspensions or bans? ( ) Yes; (X) No;

      About account usage...
      How many (average) hours per day did you bot? (1 day at all - today! from ~10 AM to ~18 PM); Account that still alive botting ~10 hours per day in very different time (sometimes from early morning to evening, sometimes on nights)
      What estimated percentage of the time did you supervise your bot? (95)% (I worked and see in small windows all accounts)
      How many auctions per day did you post on this account? (0) auction count; (0) per day; (0) per week;

      Did you use any non-Honorbuddy bots with this account? ( ) Yes; (X) No;
      If so, which ones? ( );
      (A non-legitimate Honorbuddy should be listed here, as it does not have the same account protections as legitimate Honorbuddy.)

      Did you use any H4cks, Che4ts, or mods with this account? ( ) Yes; (X) No;
      (If so, please name them.)

      Which Combat Routines have you used with this account during the PAST FOUR WEEKS?

      not clearly understand this question, but use default settings in HB
      (X) Singular;

      ( ) Accessary Routines;
      ( ) Gladiator Suite;
      ( ) KingWoW;
      ( ) ManOfWar;
      ( ) Millz;
      ( ) Omation;
      ( ) RichieCR;
      ( ) TuanHA;

      ( ) Other third-party (please specify);:

      In which of these activities has the account participated as a bot during the PAST FOUR WEEKS?
      ( ) Gold buying;
      ( ) Gold selling;
      ( ) Game-time Token (bought with game gold);
      - no one.

      ( ) PvP: Arena (rated or non-rated);
      ( ) PvP: Battlegrounds (rated or non-rated);
      ( ) PvP: Zones (e.g., Ashran, Wintergrasp, etc.);
      - no one.

      ( ) Archeology sessions (greater than four hours);
      ( ) Dungeon diving (mixed human/bot party);
      ( ) Dungeon farming (SOLO, or ALL-BOT PARTIES, ONLY; same set of dungeons greater than four hours);
      ( ) Dungeon raiding (LFR; 10+ person dungeons)
      ( ) Fishing sessions (greater than four hours);
      ( ) Garrison maintenance / management;
      ( ) Gathering sessions (greater than four hours);
      ( ) Questing (only questing purposes OTHER THAN leveling. E.g., dailies, proto-drake hunting, pet acquisition, etc.);
      - no one.

      ( ) The account used a 'relogger' - only the account that still alive used HBReloger (it has been used about 2 weeks). Banned accounts did not use Reloger
      ( ) The account used 'Server hopping';
      ( ) The account used VPN;

      ( ) Something else (please specify);:
      1) Use Game Freedom Gateway program (proxy)
      2) All 3 accounts was bought from different credit cards from different PC's and registered on real but different names.
      3) Characters lvl - 27-28.
      4) druids was on all accounts (alli) on German servers (3 accounts = 3 different servers)
      5) First character was invited to the guild. I type some wisps to guild master and to guild chat. Second account had wisp to join the guild. I typed some messages to guild master but did not join the guild. Third account had not any wisps or invites.
      6) Before starting a bot - All accounts was blocked because of suspicious activity (all of it was created from different PC's and it was blocked when I try to login to the game. I opened battle.net and use one-time pass to unblock these accounts before start botting)
      7) I believe it was a mistake to start all 3 accounts at one moment (it would be better to start botting 1 account per day for example) also create druids (all night elfs) on all of accounts wasn't a good idea. IMHO.
      8) Also I believe that it was a bad idea to logged in to battle.net to all accounts without adding browser to gateway(proxy). IMHO.
      9) All accounts did questing before banned. Standard HB questing profiles: Teldrassil - Elwynn Forest - Westfall - Duskwood and one of bots goes to Northern Stranglethorn. Also I turned off one of bots and one of game clients ~15 min until ban happens but offline did not save him from banhammer:))

      Do you have any observations about the event you'd like to share?
      I believe that blizzard see/know how many game clients are opened from one hardware id of our computers and I'll be extend appreciation to whom who knows how we can trick it. IMHO.

      Please attach your most recent Honorbudy log file for the suspended/banned account...
      We need it full and unedited logfile, please. This allows us to correlate things like the full Honorbuddy version, which botbase and profile were in play, Which Combat Routine, plugins, etc were in use. Were internal errors being thrown by Honorbuddy, etc.

      I closed HB's when banhammer smashed me therefore no logs are saved :(

      We also need a screenshot of your BAN EMAIL...
      The email should be sent to support@thebuddyforum.com, and the screenshot of the email must clearly show the DATE (not just the time) the email was received. Undated email is not useful.
      When you send the screenshot, please also link the ban report with which it is associated, so we can correlate the information correctly.

      Screenshots have been sent
      Last edited: Jul 4, 2016

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