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  • 1-15 3x Questing Profile

    Discussion in 'Requests & Discussion' started by asdrubal, Jun 6, 2014.

    1. asdrubal

      asdrubal New Member

      Jun 6, 2013
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      I lack the skill to do something like this, but a profile to level 1-15 doing quests so toons can start chain dungeonbuddy would be very useful among the community. I don't believe too many quests would be required, specially if they are done using the RAF bonus, but this would greatly save time and preparation when starting new groups. Simply summon your group, party them and start the profile on all 5 bots and it stops at 15.
      How possible/difficult is this?
    2. hackersrage

      hackersrage Member Buddy Store Developer

      Nov 18, 2012
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      One thing regarding the 1-15 quests, would be they would likely need to be the same class.

      Here are some basic things to consider for this :

      • Each race has their own start zone.
      • Certain zones are not questable by other races. Some exceptions may apply based on level, but this generally means that summoning a level 1 Dwarf to the Human start zone would mean the Dwarf can not quest.
      • Experience may vary based on an imbalance of BoA gear, or buffs (the new 300% bonus xp buff), which can lead to a 5+ level balance gap. It is ideal to wait for the higher level to be ready to switch to the next zone, and then let the lower level completely finish the previous zone, having the higher level abandon said quests. The higher level would be parked so that it does not gain experience at this point, and has time to bank/mail/vendor.

      That being said, Kick's start zone profiles work well, however I would like to see some randomization in the pathing, or at least have the referred account /follow the party leader (unless stuck) 90% of the time.
    3. ryftobuddy

      ryftobuddy Banned

      Aug 19, 2011
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      This absolutely is not the case, and the only zones that characters can't be summoned to and quest in is instanced starting areas (ie. worgen, goblin, panda's). A dwarf can be summoned to the human starting area and complete all the quests that a human can. The only limiting factor is class quests, but that has nothing to do with race.

      Even if you quest with a character 5+ levels above you, the lower level character will get triple xp until they are within 3 levels of the higher level. At that point, both characters will get triple xp until the higher level moves above 3 levels as well. Even in cases where you have higher level characters leveling with a low level, it's always more practical to quest together for the xp bonus.

      I suggest you actually know what you're talking about before you make posts that spread false information.

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