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  • 1-80 in 24 hours, how is it possible?

    Discussion in 'General Discussion Forum' started by kamoz, Aug 6, 2013.

    1. kamoz

      kamoz New Member

      Feb 20, 2010
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      Hello fellow term violators!
      I'm here to talk about something i find very interesting. Currently there are (legit) powerlevelers offering a 1-80 service that will be complete within 24 hours and that is without heirloom and RAF boost.

      I've leveled around 3-4 characters from 1-80 with Honorbuddy so far and i'm in progress with my hunter as we speak. My hunter is level 66 and i have had the bot running for about 10 hours a day for slightly less than a week now. I'm using Kick's profiles... can't say i really like them but it's hard to find better ones. I run in to problems (very) often with those profiles but it's nothing that makes me lose particularly much time more than the bot mechanics them selves.

      So how is it possible to go from 1-80 in 24 hours with Honorbuddy? Could it be a secret method or maybe a very stable custom quest profile?

      To be honest, i don't even think this bot is designed in a way that makes it possible to level this fast, the navigation get bugged very often and running into mobs etc which makes you lose a lot of time.
    2. Giwin

      Giwin Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Dec 3, 2011
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      Well, Kicks profiles are not for speed but are for getting to level 90... I guess they weren't designed for powerleveling but still quite good, I do notice some issues with kicks even when stealing a few quests from his ^^ (the hotspots) as I also plan on making my own 1-90 for powerleveling.. it's very good money if you can do it because it's like 40 euros per session so 10 sessions per week is 400 euros per week :p.

      You could use potions which increases your leveling speed and even your travelling speed as you'll notice your bot is slow until level 20 for mount, it's also about the structure of the quests and if they follow a guide or not (mine do, mostly).

      Naturally the bot is slow, nothing can change this unless you code the routine (running into mobs etc) and have pre-loaded meshes (do 1-90 and you'll have the meshes), plus have a plugin to improve the speed even more (I use pickup and turnin quests plugin which basically does a drive picking up quests, very funny to see how fast it is and gets all the quests in range)... again there's a lot you can do and I'm sure google has more information on increasing level speed such as all heirlooms.

      I've seen people do 1-60 in about 14-20 hours (I asked at the Dark Portal, being ganked anyway) so I think that 1-80 in 24 hours is possible if you were really pushing it.

      I'm currently using an addon to see how fast I level because it now matters now that I have my own questing profiles as I want to increase the speed as much as possible, this can include buying food/drink, using potions, using different auras for different classes (travel speed increase instead of att speed).

      I also know (theory) that they have a server side script in place to detect people leveling too fast, I think it's mostly on the US though so if you're EU then it should be fine... I think this is mostly to detect exploits which gets your character from 1 to 90 in a few hours (I think it's happened before).

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