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  • 10/10 accounts banned (need your help/advise)

    Discussion in 'Ban Section - Ban Reports' started by ltbaron, Apr 26, 2014.

    1. ltbaron

      ltbaron New Member

      Sep 18, 2013
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      Hello community,

      Finally I've got all of my accounts banned at same time it was US and EU accounts that was banned at the same time (I think it was done manually by a gm).
      I was using couple of AH bots + ProfessionBuddy bots.
      My question is how can I come back? is it really risky to use the same ip (because I think it got flagged or not?) it was the second time that these accounts is being banned for botting and probably will be permament (ofcourse I'll try to appeal). I want to know should I try to build new accounts on the same ip and same computer or isn't it worth it and I should definitely somehow change ip and start botting fresh ? or can I bot on same ip adress and doesn't risk anything? your thoughts? thanks.
    2. obbi

      obbi Member

      Jan 23, 2010
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      what kind of Ah bots where you using ?

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