Hi there ok guys i have WOW account US n im planning to get a european account, do i have to buy another WOW DVD for erope and instal it or can i log in from my original WOW? and if i cant log in is it possible to install 2 different WOWs in PC? thx
eu.logon.worldofwarcraft.com eu.version.worldofwarcraft.com put this in the realmlist file instead of the US version also you need a EU CDkey =]
Due to the US being patched seperately from the EU, I would suggest that even if you could use the same installation that you don't. You can go to their EU site and download the client free of charge.
the easiest way is just copy your whole wow folder and as tommyluvsbots said, open the realmlist.txt and override the existing two lines with the one tommy posted.