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  • 2 Toons 1-85! but wondering about something (:

    Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by desaya, Jan 9, 2012.

    1. desaya

      desaya New Member

      Aug 4, 2011
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      hey there buddys!
      first of all excuse me for my english skills, i know they are not perfect because i am german :D hope you can understand me properly though :)

      well i play wow since mid-WOTLK. my first charakter was a paladin. i played him ever since. as i had him to the max level i never wanted to pull that whole load of questing and stuff off again. the game on max level is super fun though! BUT! my pally bored me after some time.. and i wished i had started with another class. i got more and more bored.. didnt want to level, didnt want to quit wow.

      thats when i came to botting. i searched the internet for popular and good bots out there. i started off with pirox but i think its just not user friendly enough and it needs very much effort to get it running properly. PLUS there were no such things as public questing profiles. but i didnt want to grind or something because of the high banning risk. after a good amount of time a botter from pirox forum helped me out and referred me to honorbuddy. and i have to admit i am COMPLETELY blown away. i mean not everything is perfect but you cant expect that to be and if you want it to be go and do it by yourself right?
      so i started botting my first toon, a rogue. i botted him 1-85 with lets say 90% pure HB and 10% if i wanted to rape some noobs at BG's or something^^ i was so happy with my new character and i still am! a few days ago i started my next project. a hunter. he is 80 now with almost 4 days /played time. the next 5 levels will go in no time ^^ so yea i am really happy with honorbuddy so far :)

      but there is one thing i am wondering about. like i want to get SUPER rich in WoW^^ not for selling, just for me. what is the best safest and fastest way to go? i dont have the money to pay for multiple farm accounts.. and if there is a good way to achieve my goal sometimes just on my main account and with lets say low risk i would love to hear some tips from you guys!

      thats it! love HB and its community! and thanks kick and the azenius project aswell as fpsware for awesome profiles and cc's!

    2. HB7032V76

      HB7032V76 New Member

      Apr 20, 2011
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      get rich fast in wow ... very simple , buy my gold :D
    3. desaya

      desaya New Member

      Aug 4, 2011
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      that is not.... reaaaaaaaaally what i was thinking of mate :'DD
    4. shlord

      shlord Member

      Jan 4, 2012
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      hahaha u really made my day xDDDDD
    5. ambrose

      ambrose New Member

      Dec 3, 2011
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      there really isn't a 'get rich quick' scheme to use. it's more like 'get rich by not having to do it yourself'. basically you just farm mats and post them on the AH or find a someone who will consistently buy from you for a set price.

      If there is a get rich quick scheme, you likely aren't going to be told about it, b/c the person wants to keep it to them self and not have attention brought to it.
    6. Technik

      Technik New Member

      Oct 31, 2010
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      I would think that you should be able to make ample gold by studying the auction house for current trends and persue the highest profiting item. I am currently selling RED gems from all the ore I had and transmuting other gems from smaller gems and herbs. I have 2 farmers for herbs and ore that i run on and off for 3 days and between gems and flasks I am averaging approximately 35-40k per week. So 1 month time = approximately 120k. Tzhats just one example and every server economy is different. Good luck and best wishes.
    7. dawiest

      dawiest Guest

      Die l?gen dich alle an, hab in 1 1/2 Wochen 175 k Gold gemacht ^^

      Lern deinem mainchar Kr?uterkunde + Bergbau und deinem Twink juwe, dann bekommste tonnen von gold :p
    8. 4thdimension

      4thdimension New Member

      Dec 13, 2010
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      do everything ie: use your rogue and pickpocket hundreds of lockboxes people need these for the insane achiev, mining,herb,prospecting,making ruby's,elemental shuffle, hunt rare mounts liek posidus ( i got 2 of these ) in space of 1 minute on diff servers.
      embersilk cloth, make embersilk bags.
      If your server is high pop and you want to make gold i strongly reccoemend doing as many diff this as you can, a good start is too go to netherstorm buy pets from vendor and put on AH many people are so noobish not to understand that they are eaily obtained from a vendor.
      when i first started here is was naive and still am at times, dnt stick to same profiles, you have to be dynamic as at the end of the wow economy is just like real life in respect to demand of goods.
      think forward, to next expansion, people will be rolling new toons so will need bags.
      make your own profiles it simple now with plugins like zaprecorder.
      also transmoggy what ever its called is quite big on soem servers so farming low level mats can be extremely profitable.
      tbh i can talk all day about many methods.
      another example 1600 elementium ore 800 obsidium ore makes 100 stormforged shoulders and with an enchanting it will produce roughly 120 heavenly shards.
      so work out cost of mats compared to money made from selling shards.
      but i am a very safe player and i dabble in many things to look like a hardcore player when in fact im sleeping or working whilst me hb and his plugin friends are making me gold.

      good luck
      i have made 220k in 10 days with 3 accounts

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