Attached are 2 files that I hope the community finds useful. 1. Combat Bot XML. The file helps those that want to play STWOR by hand and do everything but handle combat. The file allows you to loot, crew skill and mount when you want but when it comes to the fighting you simply point and click and the bot takes over. This file is meant to be used with either Joe's or Pure's Combat routine. To use the file do the following. Paste the attached Combat Bot file into your Settings file within BW. Next select the toon you wish to play. Inside of that toon's file delete the Buddy Wing Settings file located within. Paste the Buddy Wing Settings file located from the Combat Folder into the toons file you just deleted and launch the game. Your done, have fun playing. When you wish for the bot to go back to being fully automated for that toon, simply delete the Buddy Wing File from the toons folder and restart BW. The bot will create a fresh file within to make it fully automated again. One cavet is that the toon likes to be at full health after each fight so it will dismount and heal its self if you mount at less than full health. 2. The Crew Skills file is an Excel file that has all the Crew Skills on it along the 1st Column and a Row up top for you toons names. Simply insert your toons name along the top and keep track of all your crew skills across all your toons. I print mine and keep it by my keyboard for quick reference. There has been a lot of mention about how to get the bot to perform better and people such as adude, walter and others have posted those on the boards. I am just going to touch on them again in case folks missed them. Two settings to help the game really speed up are in your Windows Task Manager. Open it up and right click on both the SWTOR .exe files. From the drop down list there are two settings that can really help. The first is called "Set Priority" Most systems have the game set to "Normal" and therefore other applications take up juice from the processor before the game does. Bump that up from Normal to either High or Realttime. The next setting as you right click on the SWTOR .exe is Set Affinity. Depending on the number of cores you have "Most are Quad Core" nowadays, you want to select #'s 1 and 2 for the largest SWTOR .exe and select #'s 3 and 4 for the smallest SWTOR .exe. Also I do the same thing for my Buddywing .exe and place it on #'s 3 and 4 and select run at realtime. I am placing this info out there to help those that don't have the time to learn to do these tasks so please don't flame me or be discouraging I am just trying to help. Yes I know there are other ways to play by hand or do XYZ but this is just one of them and I was hoping to share a little knowledge I have learned over the past month from folks on here a lot smarter than me. Tootles, Jess