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  • 3 accounts banned w/ active sub, Buddy no active sub not banned?

    Discussion in 'Ban Section - Ban Reports' started by Volleybalk, May 22, 2015.

    1. Volleybalk

      Volleybalk New Member

      Jan 14, 2015
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      So I just wanted to throw this out there, I had 2 10 year accounts banned with the wave, and a 1 week old account as well. I had botted Garrison stuff, Fishing, CR's and PvP. But I didn't do a lot of it frequently. I might have had it running 8 hours per day. A Friend of mine botted 24/7 PvP, Cr's Garrison, and Farming on 3 accounts and let his time expire about 2 weeks before the wave and none of his accounts were touched. I just don't understand :/ I guess it was just bad luck. lol

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