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  • 3 bots down within 1 hour.

    Discussion in 'Ban Section - Ban Reports' started by Sono, Aug 9, 2014.

    1. Sono

      Sono New Member

      Mar 24, 2013
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      I've used various different profiles and actions on Honorbuddy over about a year and had a few accounts banned in the process for being reckless with it however this time, it was careful, all of them phased onto low pop realms and doing low-undetectable stuff, pick pocketing, phased skinning etc.

      3 accounts all together in the same hour all doing different things, leveling, pick-pocketing and skinning all got taken down together, I don't think it's a ban wave however it seems odd that all of them would get taken down around the same time, all had been botting about 10hrs or so, monitored with no interaction (whispers etc) from anyone, so it would appear that it wasn't a player reported ban.

      Anyone with a bit more knowledge than me who have any ideas?
    2. HB2371R23

      HB2371R23 New Member

      Apr 26, 2011
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      I am not too knowledgeable but I think it may have to do with 3 accounts running at the same time, guessing it was on the same PC? If so, I dont think its a coincidence.
    3. Lemmi

      Lemmi New Member

      Aug 2, 2013
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      All this is speculation and theories, but reports aren't the only way to get flagged/banned, it is said that some things can trigger a flag and later upon closer inspection by a gm you can get banned, if the gm is an asshole he can easily see 3 accs logged through the same ip/pc and wipe them all. Yes, what you did helps a lot but maybe for example, you overextended with pickpocketing and that flagged and screwed all your accs, its known that pp is a high risk activity. Or maybe you got reported while leveling or something and it came as a delayed report/inspection.

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