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  • 3 char/1 account botting diary

    Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by jsimmons10, Sep 22, 2014.

    1. jsimmons10

      jsimmons10 Community Developer

      Feb 15, 2012
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      diary of botting

      this diary will be centered on 3 characters on one main account.

      Pally eng/alc lvl 90. my main char i get achievements on and also rep grinding on.
      Hunter skinning/LW lvl 90
      Death Knight herb/mining lvl 90

      also want to state i am starting this diary with 29543 gold.

      Day#1 9/22/14

      Botting with my hunter to gain honor points to get some decent armor for pvp heirlooms along with pvp gear. using bgbuddy to do so, but the security risk on this is high so baby sitting is needed due to bgbuddies lack of randomness and obvious use. total time of this has been 3 hours. hardly made enough to buy bracers :/. horde is not doing good on deep wind gorge. taking a break to go do some odd achievements to get my mind off the pvp skills that the horde lacks :D.

      The achievements quickly ended once i noticed that i have not done the golden lotus dailies on my hunter. to quickly and successfully achieve this i have used TheBrodieMan's Profile Compendium, and i must say i have never had any issues with this. Nothing more exciting the n getting ganged by 2 alliance people over and over. to whom ever your are thank you for making my night longer then needed

      on my pally i attempted at the Reins of the Blue Proto-Drake with [Azyul] Transmog Farms, Dungeon Grinds and Item Gathering sadly enough i did not get the mount i was hoping for.

      spending the rest of the night selling any extra mats and farming more on my DK. so far i have put up 36 stacks of green tea leaf for 20g each. will report back with my gathers in a few hours.

      end of day progress on hunter: gained 1494 honor, 30 valor, 79g,
      end of day progress on pally: made 87 potions of warming sun to sell an AH"everyone loves a good flask of sun"
      end of day progress on DK:
      [Gatherbuddy2]: Stopped gatherbuddy after gathering 412 nodes in 1h 40m 41s.
      [Gatherbuddy2]: Ghost Iron Deposit: 111
      [Gatherbuddy2]: Silkweed: 86
      [Gatherbuddy2]: Green Tea Leaf: 196
      [Gatherbuddy2]: Rich Ghost Iron Deposit: 7
      [Gatherbuddy2]: Sha-Touched Herb: 10
      [Gatherbuddy2]: Golden Lotus: 2

      total gatherings for roughly 4 hours of on and off botting. 1494 honor, 30 valor, 79g, 87 warming son flask, 369 ghostiron ore, 86 silk weed, 196 green tea leaf, 10 sha touch herbs, and 2 golden lotus.

      Day#2 9/23/14

      I figured id take a different route in my botting routine with my pally. Today i ventured deep into the heart of Uldum. the hottest of the hottest besides hellfire that is. You may be asking what could possibly be there at my level and this far into the game? well i have yet to get the CAMEL figurine! i know its nearly next expansion and yet i have not obtained this yet. to do this i am using 100% Optimized Camel Figurines Profile ! By FrancoFun .. after 30 mins i decided it was time to do something else.. dung grinding!!! i need some justice points for heirloom gear, and did the brewfest instance too

      doing some more pvp botting to get some of those pvp items. tommorow will be an all out gather fest

      i have also made 297 gold today from the flask i was selling. times are tough.

      day 3 9/24/12

      today on my hunter i got a special mount from brewfest. The Swift brewfest ram,
      Last edited: Sep 25, 2014
    2. jsimmons10

      jsimmons10 Community Developer

      Feb 15, 2012
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      side note for money making on metals... as of right now on my server

      10 ghost iron bars will sell for 39g each.
      20 ghost iron ore sells for 20 gold each
      1 trillium bar sells for 32 g each.

      from the looks of it ghost iron bars are the only choice i have.

      flask of warming sun. if items are bought form AH:

      4 silk weed 68 silver each
      1 golden lotus 19 g each
      crystal vial 1 silver for 5.

      flask of warming sun sells between 40 - 42 g each on a good day

      potential profit 40 G for each potion made. doubt they will sell though this far in the expansion
      Last edited: Sep 22, 2014
    3. jsimmons10

      jsimmons10 Community Developer

      Feb 15, 2012
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    4. jsimmons10

      jsimmons10 Community Developer

      Feb 15, 2012
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      day 3 9/24/14

      today on my hunter i got a special mount from brewfest. The Swift brewfest ram,

      Attached Files:

      • ram.png
        File size:
        140.1 KB
    5. nordrassil

      nordrassil Member

      Jun 21, 2014
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      you need to settle on something to do, 30 min doing that, 30 min doing this won't earn you anything.
    6. jsimmons10

      jsimmons10 Community Developer

      Feb 15, 2012
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      less likely of getting banned that what it gets me
    7. Rockcrawler

      Rockcrawler New Member

      Aug 4, 2014
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      If you are concerned about getting banned then don't bot.
    8. Aion

      Aion Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 18, 2011
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      Rockcrawler, pasting trivial phrases in advanced thread is not really in place, c'mon!

      If someone do not care for getting banned or not, he just press the reckless-botting button, and get hitted soon enough.

      But the truth is somewhere between reckless botting and sitting offline. So people like the OP do test where the current borders of safe botting are!

      Thats one of the ways to "explore" the botting universe!
    9. razer

      razer New Member

      Apr 29, 2012
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      Imtakinusrs is right, if you want to bot to get banned then what was the point in buying that $50 game to go all out and see how long you can last as a bot? Thats a pretty short life. Its like saying there is a risk in smoking drugs and drinking till you get a cardiac arrest and die. I have been botting for as long as BC and doing it casually and still can make some nice gold.

      There always is a % in risk but if you can minimize that risk as much as you can then you have less of a chance of being banned then the other guy botting 24/7.

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