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  • 3 Simple Changes To Make Bot Logic Better

    Discussion in 'Hearthbuddy Forum' started by eagleeye1, Jun 29, 2014.

    1. eagleeye1

      eagleeye1 New Member

      Mar 31, 2013
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      1. The bot does not use Doomguard very well. In one case, I had 6 mana, a coin and an argent squire. The bot cast the Doomguard first, discarding the Argent squire and the coin. In this case the bot didn't even need the coin, but for both turn 5 or 6, it should have cast the argent squire for value. I've noticed this happen very frequently when running a Warlock Zoo deck.

      2. The bot should not play minions while a Hunter opponent has a secret in play. It should first test for Explosive Trap. Countless number of times, the bot will play a few minions with 2 or less health, only to have them die to an obvious Explosive Trap. This swing prevents the bot from coming back. This should be fixed against hunters, as the unleash combo is already hard enough for the bot to come back from as it is, as the bot does not play around Unleash the Hounds at all and just spams minions on the board and doesn't trade aggressively against hunter.

      Sometimes it's correct to play Defender of Argus before testing Explosive Trap to save your board, and so it would be nice if the bot was smart enough to do that if you had Defender of Argus in your hand.

      3. The bot should get rid of Priest's Northshire Cleric if it's easy to do so. Currently, the bot ignores it and goes for face, even though the profile is not set to "Rush". I think this minion is troublesome enough to warrant prioritization. Same goes for Gadgetzan Aunctioneer and Starving Buzzard. Since the bot is typically playing on low ranks, Priest is a common opponent. Letting them get their wombo-combo's uncontested is a mistake that results in many game losses. These minions should only be ignored if the bot calculates that it can win on that turn.

      While some hunters are usually not stupid enough to leave a Starving Buzzard on the board, some players at low ranks still play it and don't even get value from it. The bot unfortunately doesn't kill the buzzard, letting the bad player get value from it. I feel like the buzzard is so easy to remove, that it should have a bullseye on its head. Again, the only exception should be when you can just win the game. There are some other cases where not killing the buzzard would be correct, but I think the bot will be more correct to kill it than ignore it in the average case.
      Last edited: Jun 29, 2014
    2. stelios21

      stelios21 New Member

      Oct 3, 2012
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      Starving Buzzard > How many times i have fooled people with snake trap. My funniest play for hunter.

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