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  • 4 Accounts Closed

    Discussion in 'Ban Section - Ban Reports' started by yarmatey, May 31, 2011.

    1. yarmatey

      yarmatey Member

      Feb 22, 2011
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      1)Were you using Honorbuddy, Gatherbuddy or both on the account?
      A. Gatherbuddy, and sometimes a Professionbuddy plugin.

      2)If so, when was the last time?:
      A. Day of the banning, which was a couple days ago.

      3)What profile were you using?:
      A. Custom gathering profiles, made by me, tested to not have a "botty" look or feel.

      4)What combat class were you using? if None Just put Default then the Classname:
      A. SimpleDK, Durid, and Singular for Druid

      5)What plugins are you using?:
      A. At the time, just the flight plugins, and default honorbuddy. I used ProfessionBuddy on occasion as well.

      6)How many hours per day did you bot for?:
      A. Varies by account, but usually at least 20 hours a day.

      7)How many auctions per day did you have?:
      A. Very few, usually only maybe 300 total from start to finish. I didnt sell materials as much as finished products.

      8)Did you Use Any Other Bots, Hacks, or Mods?
      A. No, but one of my accounts had been hacked. Whoever did it, was terrain hacking as when I recovered it my farmer was underground. Im presuming this is what caught blizzards attention because I had been farming for months before that without incident but not even a full 24 hours after I recovered my account, I got hit.

      9)Was your account involved in gold selling?
      A. Yes

      10)EU or US realm?
      A. US

      And again, all accounts closed. No warnings, no 72 hours. First offense closures.
      Last edited: May 31, 2011

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