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  • 41 error here is log it ends turns and does nothing please check it hank.

    Discussion in 'Hearthbuddy Support' started by Mario27, May 2, 2014.

    1. Mario27

      Mario27 Banned

      Jan 15, 2010
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      20:05:18.698 N] Hearthbuddy starting.
      [20:05:18.848 N] Attempting to log in...
      [20:05:19.049 N] H: 901419586
      [20:05:19.089 N] Login successful!
      [20:05:19.211 N] Hearthbuddy starting...
      [20:05:19.212 N] CPU Architecture: x64
      [20:05:19.212 N] Process Architecture: x86
      [20:05:19.212 N] OS Version: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1
      [20:05:19.212 N] .NET Runtime Version: 4.0.30319.18444
      [20:05:19.212 N] CPU Cores: 8
      [20:05:19.213 N] Application Path: C:\Users\<User>\Desktop\Hearthbuddy
      [20:05:19.214 N] Checking for updates...
      [20:05:20.893 N] Initializing Triton...
      [20:05:21.148 D] Attaching to Hearthstone with PID 4008
      [20:05:21.202 D] Initializing Mapping system.
      [20:05:21.266 D] Initializing hooks.
      [20:05:21.273 D] Attached to process 4008
      [20:05:21.273 D] Initialized!
      [20:05:32.746 N] Starting the bot!
      [20:05:33.701 N] Starting practice match against AI_NORMAL_PALADIN using deck with ID 74194010.
      [20:05:59.109 N] Selecting starting hand...
      [20:06:04.240 N] Ending turn.
      [20:06:08.329 N] Selected my starting hand!
      [20:06:24.450 N] ------------------------------------------------------------
      [20:06:24.466 N] Checking hand cards priorities :
      [20:06:24.516 N] Card Wild Pyromancer has a low priority
      [20:06:24.539 N] Grabbing card: Wild Pyromancer
      [20:06:25.651 N] Dropping currently held card!
      [20:06:29.326 N] ------------------------------------------------------------
      [20:06:29.327 N] Checking hand cards priorities :
      [20:06:29.562 N] Checking hand cards with very low priority :
      [20:06:30.790 N] Ending turn.
      [20:07:45.217 N] Bot has stopped.
      [20:07:50.205 N] Session is invalid!
      [20:07:53.784 N] The host process has exited! We will shut down as well.

      i have this pretty mutch with evryversion i cant use this bot so i use another one atm.

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