Hello, I appreciated the bot in .41 but now in .43 it's crashing everytime. I'm on a 3 day subscription, but now I've lost an entire day of running the bot because it's crashing. Can something be done for me considering the circumstances?
Demonbuddy wizard? What's that? Also I believe there's an issue with Java, because when I loaded JDownloader, a popular download manager it crash Hearthbuddy... And I believe I may have been running Hearthbuddy before when JDownloader was open... Didn't happen with .41 so I'm not sure. Can any of the developers comment on this? Thank you.
Hmm in another observation, I think it's mainly freezing on Druid... not sure if it's my deck or what... I played with Rogue no problem... strange.
Yep i've just found a bug with "innervate" card. Could cause freezes. It will be fixed in next build.