1)Were you using Honorbuddy, Gatherbuddy or both on the account? GatherBuddy 2 on the toon that was suspended 2)If so, when was the last time?: Suspended a couple of hours ago 3)What profile were you using?: w00t's Twilight Mining profile 4)What combat class were you using? if None Just put Default then the Classname: Singular DK 5)What plugins are you using?: None 6)How many hours per day did you bot for?: With this account, 18h or so. This toon, maximum 8h (the rest of the time it's played by me) 7)How many auctions per day did you have?: around 200 8)Did you Use Any Other Bots, Hacks, or Mods? I was using a well known speedhack with a script that stops it when detects players. Started using it a month ago. Being that I've been botting since september 2010 and never had an issue, it appears that the speedhack it's the one to blame... 9)Was your account involved in gold selling? Nope. 10)EU or US realm? EU This is the e-mail from Blizzard. I'm sorry but it's written in spanish only: ________________________________________________________________________________ Nombre de cuenta: ************* Nombre del personaje: ********** Reino: *************** Tipo de infracci?n: Explotaci?n Acci?n sobre la cuenta: Suspensi?n de 48 horas Saludos, Le escribimos para concienciarle de nuestras pol?ticas acerca la explotaci?n de errores en World of Warcraft. Esto es algo que no forma parte del esp?risu del juego y est? en contra de nuestros T?rminos de Uso. Nos gustar?a dejar claro que este tipo de comportamiento no es aceptable en nuestra comunidad y debe ser evitado en el futuro. Una sanci?n ha sido a?adida a su cuenta en relaci?n a este incidente y ha sido suspendida durante el per?odo de tiempo anteriormente indicado. Por favor tenga presente que, si ocurriese otra infracci?n de nuestras Reglas y Pol?ticas, este incidente se tendr?a en consideraci?n a la hora de tomar acciones posteriores sobre su cuenta. Esto podr?a suponer otra suspensi?n o cierre de la cuenta. Si desea revisar nuestras Reglas y Pol?ticas actuales, puede encontrarlas en: http://eu.blizzard.com/support/index/wow_policy http://eu.blizzard.com/es-es/company/legal/wow_tou.html Puede encontrar m?s informaci?n sobre los diferentes niveles de sanciones que podemos aplicar en su cuenta en: http://eu.blizzard.com/support/article/50090 Por favor no responda a este e-mail ya que recibir? una respuesta autom?tica. Si tiene alguna consulta sobre el estado de su cuenta, cont?ctenos desde el formulario web: https://eu.blizzard.com/support/webform.xml Cordialmente, Departamento de Asistencia en el Juego Blizzard Entertainment Europe ________________________________________________________________________________ I botted in this account since september 2010, leveled more than eight toons to lvl.85 and farmed lots of gold by farming ores and auctioning them. Never got an issue, except two whispers. One nearby october and the other one month and a half ago. I don't suppose this is the cause, but who knows. I've turned on RealID too, but only have real life friends there that know I bot and they don't care. With real life friends I mean only four people that are friends since I was a child, so it would be really strange that anyone of them reported me. The option that lets his friends to see me it's disabled, too. Future plans: 1. Get rid of that goddamn speedhack. Not worth the effort. 2. Disable RealID. 3. Get a second account to farm and only use my main account to level new toons. Question: If I need gold to buy something, buy it with the farm account and mail the item to my main account would be safer than simply send gold from one account to another?