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  • 5/6 accounts banned 5 computers / separate IP addresses used / Clean install OS/WOW

    Discussion in 'Ban Section - Ban Reports' started by Duplo32, Nov 22, 2016.

    1. Duplo32

      Duplo32 New Member

      Nov 22, 2016
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      About your server...
      Realm:(x) US
      Type: (x) PvE

      About the account...
      Account created after the 10-Nov-2016 banwave? (x) Yes ( created 3 accounts one Legion and 4 wow classic)
      Account had previous suspensions or bans? (X) No (I Installed wow on 3 laptops and attached them to there own SSID so they each have there own IP/MAC address)
      Did you bot on this account even once with Tripwire disabled? (X) No ( I used a canary Account) for first two days after the Tripwire was lifted so it would burn a 9.99 account not 69.99

      About account usage...
      How many (average) hours per day did you bot? (Account1)8;(Account2)7;(Account3)8; ( I have all 3 accounts grinding/Questing while I am at work)
      What estimated percentage of the time did you supervise your bots? (95)%;
      How many auctions per day did you post on this account? (X) per week; (None I filtered these all into a guild bank then they were sold by lvl 1 mules (Mule accounts still have gold no ban)

      Did you use any non-Honorbuddy bots with this account? ( ) Yes; (X) No; Not even addons (These PCs were fresh installs of windows 10) one windows 7 Fresh install)
      If so, which ones? ( );
      (A non-legitimate Honorbuddy should be listed here, as it does not have the same account protections as legitimate Honorbuddy.) (I support the developers and bought 3 licence)

      Did you use any H4cks, Che4ts, or mods with this account? ( ) Yes; (X) No; No use of hacks or glitches
      (If so, please name them.)

      Which Combat Routines have you used with this account during the PAST FOUR WEEKS?
      (X) Singular;

      In which of these activities has the account participated as a bot during the PAST FOUR WEEKS?
      ( ) Gold buying;
      ( ) Gold selling;
      ( ) Game-time Token (bought with game gold); NONE OF THESE

      ( ) PvP: Arena (rated or non-rated);
      ( ) PvP: Battlegrounds (rated or non-rated);
      ( ) PvP: Zones (e.g., Ashran, Wintergrasp, etc.); NONE

      ( ) Archeology sessions (greater than four hours);
      ( ) Dungeon diving (mixed human/bot party);
      (X) Dungeon farming (SOLO, or ALL-BOT PARTIES, ONLY; same set of dungeons greater than four hours);
      ( ) Dungeon raiding (LFR; 10+ person dungeons)
      ( ) Fishing sessions (greater than four hours);
      ( ) Garrison maintenance / management;
      ( ) Gathering sessions (greater than four hours);
      ( ) Questing (only questing purposes OTHER THAN leveling. E.g., dailies, proto-drake hunting, pet acquisition, etc.);

      ( ) The account used a 'relogger'
      ( ) The account used 'Server hopping';
      ( ) The account used VPN; (I used dynamic IP addresses from my isp not proxy each account was using its own wireless access point)

      ( ) Something else (please specify);:

      Do you have any observations about the event you'd like to share?
      The day before the ban one of my lvling mules it was sending mail ? funny it was sending a letter it happened twice the caption was some thing like (The challenge awaits) or some thing in the title
      I think it might have been a glitch with mail the lvl mule received. So i had 4 accounts be banned this time

      ** Canary account is account that is used like a mining canary. they used to put Canary in mines cause if there was gas that would miners it would kill birds first so it meant get out **

      DOB(11-Nov-2016)BANNED(WOW1) 1 Legion Used 8 hours a day (weekend breaks) Always monitored) Windows 10 Fresh own IP address (Clean install) WTF and OS (Prepaid Target Visa) USER1
      DOB(11-Nov-2016)UN_BANNED(WOW2) 1 wow - Used 16 hours total (manual only no botting) Windows 10 Fresh own IP address (Clean install) WTF and OS (Prepaid Target Visa) USER1
      DOB(11-Nov-2016)BANNED(WOW3) 1 wow - Canary account Was logged in two days after the tripwire ban was lifted used honor buddy for 8 hours one time (Prepaid Target Visa) USER 1 <---- was used 8 hours total
      DOB(14-Nov-2016) 1 wow - 1-100 account used 10 hours a day m-f - Fresh windows 10 install - fresh wow install Clean WTF folders - Dynamic IP address own SSID/Wireless USER 2
      DOB(14-Nov-2016) 1 wow - 1-100 account used 9 hours a day m-f 3 HOUR blocks - Fresh install windows 7 - Fresh wow install clean WTF Folders - Dynamic IP address own SSID/Wireless USER 3
      DOB(14-Nov-2016) 1 wow - 1-100 account used 9 hours a day m-f 3 HOUR blocks - Fresh install windows 10 - Fresh wow install clean WTF Folders - Dynamic IP address own SSID/Wireless USER 4

      ALL Items sold on AH on a 5th account (Not banned) filtered threw guild bank (5x lvl 5 AH mules) Bots were started manually or using team viewer. All these accounts had there own Burner email address and there own prepaid card to pay for account. the names were made up on the accounts

      Hope this helps

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