hi, made 5x RAF to 90 through dungeoning - but now the item level request is 500 for WoD dungeons (90-100) my item level through the chars is around ~390 what would you do to get the 500 easiest way with all the 5 chars in grp? thanks
Just start the 90-100 Kicks/default questing profiles on each. Since 7.0 its quite fast to level via questing: If heirloomed for bonus +XP, you will hit 94 in a few hours just by opening garrison and clearing Shadowmoon/Frostfire Then hit 97 in less than 2 hours after entering Gorgrond and ding 100 even before Talador is completed.
lvling by questing is soooo bugged , its taking forever for each lvl so i dont think that this is really a better option than gearing the chars and continuing dungeons
thanks for your input. well gearing to 500 ilvl is not so easy for 5 chars at once... you need more gold than I can (or want to) afford at the moment i am questing my 5 chars as adviced by Aion - until I get 500 ilvl then I will try to lvl in dungeons again. (but to get 500 ilvl through quests takes time...)