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  • 6 month ban

    Discussion in 'Ban Section - Ban Reports' started by mkrueger05, May 19, 2016.

    1. mkrueger05

      mkrueger05 New Member

      Jul 23, 2014
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      Was bot leveling a mage 1-100 was just doing about 10-20lvls a day (quest botting only) throughout the last week or so was watching the bot 100% of the time, but got the 6month ban today. Luckily though they have 1-100 for only $20 with a free month so there isn't much thats at loss since I didn't pay for my subscription yet, but still RIP. I even did some dungeon leveling without the bot with chat active with a friend of mine for about 20 levels. I think I just botted at the wrong times and they were checking last night for botting software on everyone. I'm assuming I'm going to see more posts about this.

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