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  • 6 month suspension, 1 acct only

    Discussion in 'Ban Section - Ban Reports' started by Ligress, Dec 22, 2015.


    Are you coming back to WoW since they mostly suspended people until Legion hits?

    Poll closed Jan 1, 2016.
    1. Yes

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    2. No

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    1. Ligress

      Ligress Member

      Nov 7, 2013
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      Here's my shpeal, important info is below this. ;)

      I like to think I was pretty careful using this. I almost never left it fully unattended, I was usually nearby checking on it often unless I was making food. I think I started using this sometime early last year, went almost two years without detection until now, never warned/suspended/banned.

      At first, usage was fairly heavy. Leveled/botted about 15-20 characters to 100 in early WoD, including two toons on my friend's account. Used Questing bot, Fishing bot, occasionally Gatherbot, RaidBot (so my alt account would follow my main one into raids and be a pocket healer while I manually worked the main account).

      Was careful with using leveling profiles for WoD, never used the dungeon profiles for it.

      Then there were a few scares here on the forums and I stopped using it that much, only used it when I could sit and watch it, or control movement (Enyo, etc). I never used the bot around people who didn't know I had it (only one person knows I use it, a person I know IRL, and he's asked me to use it on his account too on occasion).

      (This info is below in less detail) The day before the ban, I was on my main account using the Questing bot to complete Tanaan stuff and do random achievements while talking to my buddy on voice. No one I knew was with me in game, and my buddy asked me to help him figure out why he couldn't get Enyo and TuanHA to use his CDs the way he wanted on his rogue. I stopped HB, opened a new client and a new session of HB and logged into my rogue on my alt account to help him. Eventually, we gave up and he decided to just use Kickbot since he couldn't get the other bots to work how he wanted.

      I closed both bots, both sessions of WoW, restarted WoW, and PvPed for a while on the main account. Logged off, shut down.

      Next day, the 16th, 6-month suspension on the main account, alt account and buddy's account were untouched. Tried to appeal it with no luck, didn't admit to it. I think they just slapped us all with 6-month bans because they want us to drop the money on coming back for Legion. >>

      About your account:

      Was the game account created after the 13-May-2015 banwave?

      EU or US realm?

      Did the account have any previous suspensions or bans?

      How many (average) hours per day did you bot?
      On the days I did bot, maybe 4, but I didn't bot every day

      What estimated percentage of the time did you supervise your bot?

      Was your account involved in gold selling?

      How many auctions per day did you post on this account?
      (If you were posting auctions at some other timeframe than "per day", please describe your magnitude and frequency as appropriate.)
      Maybe posted auctions like once per week, if that, and then it'd usually be maybe 5-10

      Did you use any non-Honorbuddy bots with this account? If so, which ones?
      (A non-legitimate Honorbuddy should be listed here, as it does not have the same account protections as legitimate Honorbuddy.)

      Did you use any H4cks, Che4ts, or mods with this account? If so, what are their names?

      Do you have any observations about the event you'd like to share?
      Used the bot on two accounts the day before the ban. I was using the Questing bot in Tanaan and then Nagrand on the main account, then stopped it to test out Enyo with the rogue TuanHA combat routine on my alt account real quick for a friend who was having problems getting it to do what he wanted.

      After testing, closed both bots, closed both clients, restarted WoW, played Ashran normally on the main account for a while, logged off and went to bed. Next day (the 16th), main account was given 6 month suspension, alt account was left alone, friend's account was left alone.

      For the logs below, the one titled "BAN1" is from the main account, the ones titled "BAN2" and "BAN3" are from the alt account. These are the three most recent logs I have before the ban hit. Ever since, Tripwire hasn't stopped being active and I haven't been able to try botting on even the alt account (stupid to try, I know, but I was curious).

      View attachment BAN1 816 2015-12-15 17.14.txt

      View attachment BAN2 6240 2015-12-15 17.48.txt

      View attachment BAN3 6672 2015-12-15 19.07.txt

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