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  • 6 Month Suspension 2:18EST

    Discussion in 'Ban Section - Ban Reports' started by donnamonna, May 19, 2016.

    1. donnamonna

      donnamonna Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      About your account...

      1. About your server...
        • Realm: ( ) EU; ( ) Pacific; (x) US;
        • Type: (x) PvE; ( ) PvP; ( ) RP;
      2. About the account...
        • Account created after the 16-Dec-2015 banwave? (x) Yes; ( ) No;
        • Account had previous suspensions or bans? ( ) Yes; (x) No;
      3. About account usage...
        • How many (average) hours per day did you bot? (2-3);
        • What estimated percentage of the time did you supervise your bot? (100)%;
        • How many auctions per day did you post on this account? (none) auction count; ( ) per day; (X) per week;
      4. Did you use any non-Honorbuddy bots with this account? ( ) Yes; (x) No;
        If so, which ones? ( );
        [SIZE=-2](A non-legitimate Honorbuddy should be listed here, as it does not have the same account protections as legitimate Honorbuddy.)[/SIZE]
      5. Did you use any H4cks, Che4ts, or mods with this account? ( ) Yes; (x) No;
        [SIZE=-2](If so, please name them.)[/SIZE]

      6. Which Combat Routines have you used with this account during the PAST FOUR WEEKS?
        ( ) Singular (only)

        ( ) Accessary Routines
        ( ) Gladiator Suite
        ( ) KingWoW
        ( ) ManOfWar
        ( ) Millz
        ( ) Omation
        ( ) RichieCR
        (x) TuanHA

        ( ) Other third-party [SIZE=-2](please specify);[/SIZE]:

      7. In which of these activities has the account participated as a bot during the PAST FOUR WEEKS?
        ( ) Gold buying;
        ( ) Gold selling;
        ( ) Game-time Token [SIZE=-2](bought with game gold);[/SIZE]

        ( ) PvP: Arena [SIZE=-2](rated or non-rated);[/SIZE]
        ( ) PvP: Battlegrounds [SIZE=-2](rated or non-rated);[/SIZE]
        ( ) PvP: Zones [SIZE=-2](e.g., Ashran, Wintergrasp, etc.);[/SIZE]

        ( ) Archeology sessions [SIZE=-2](greater than four hours);[/SIZE]
        ( ) Dungeon diving [SIZE=-2](mixed human/bot party);[/SIZE]
        ( ) Dungeon farming [SIZE=-2](SOLO, or ALL-BOT PARTIES, ONLY; same set of dungeons greater than four hours);[/SIZE]
        ( ) Dungeon raiding [SIZE=-2](LFR; 10+ person dungeons)[/SIZE]
        ( ) Fishing sessions [SIZE=-2](greater than four hours);[/SIZE]
        ( ) Garrison maintenance / management;
        ( ) Gathering sessions [SIZE=-2](greater than four hours);[/SIZE]
        ( ) Questing [SIZE=-2](only questing purposes OTHER THAN leveling. E.g., dailies, proto-drake hunting, pet acquisition, etc.);[/SIZE]

        ( ) The account used 'Server hopping';
        ( ) The account used VPN;

        ( ) Something else [SIZE=-2](please specify);[/SIZE]:

      8. Do you have any observations about the event you'd like to share:

      I only ever used Enyo as a bot-base so the bot was always 100% supervised. Everything I did was manual, where I went, what I interacted with. The only automation I use is for the routine. I don't PvP ever, so no BG's or Arena's. I just started the account about a week and a half ago. Using Enyo with TuanHA CR I leveled a Paladin from 1 -61 and a DK from 55 to 100. I wasn't even geared enough to do dungeons yet, so most of my play time was used to complete quests manually (aside from the automated routine.) I played for a little over an hour yesterday after the patch dropped. Suspension happened while I was offline. Got the email around 2:18 EST today.

      Using the CR-only method of botting I've managed to avoid suspensions for years. That ended today approximately an hour ago. :p I am starting to think my previous ban avoidance had more to do with good luck and timing that any other consideration. I missed both of the last true ban waves by being inactive during them. My supposition is that it is inefficient for Blizzard to constantly scan for certain flags in the absence of player reports so they most likely adhere to some sort of internal schedule which involves parsing a certain time-frame worth of data. I made the mistake of being active this time, so there was something for them to find.

      I am the poster child for "Cautious Botter." No movement, no gathering, no fishing, no archaeology, no pvp, plugins to a minimum. In short, nothing for anyone to player report me for to put my account under a microscope. In light of this suspension I am inclined to suspect that Blizz can detect pretty much at will. That is my suspicion at any rate. I'm as likely wrong as I am right. That being said, Bot safe, stay lucky!

      [FONT=arial]Account Name: WOW#1[/FONT]
      [FONT=arial]Account Action: 6-Month Suspension[/FONT]
      [FONT=arial]Offense: Use of Bots or Third-Party Automation Software[/FONT]
      [FONT=arial]Blizzard Entertainment has suspended this World of Warcraft account after identifying the usage of bots or other ***** software.[/FONT]
      [FONT=arial]These programs (commonly called *****s, bots, or hacks) automate certain aspects of gameplay, or provide unintended advantages and abilities to the player. This type of *****ing undermines other players' experience and severely upsets the balance of the game environment.[/FONT]
      [FONT=arial]The account holder is responsible for all activity on the account. We issue suspensions and closures to protect our players and our service in accordance with our Terms of Use: [/FONT][URL]http://blizzard.com/company/about/termsofuse.html[/URL]
      [FONT=arial]Along with this suspension, we may remove currencies, inventory and/or ranking/qualifications associated with the account involved in this exploitive behavior. We don't take this decision lightly. Our team issued this suspension only after a careful review of relevant evidence. Our support staff will not overturn this penalty and may not respond to appeals. For more information, see our article: [/FONT][URL]http://www.battle.net/support/article/300736[/URL]
      [FONT=arial]This World of Warcraft account will be reactivated on [/FONT][FONT=arial]2016/11/19[/FONT][FONT=arial].[/FONT]
      [FONT=arial]Thank you for your time and for understanding.[/FONT]
      [I][B][FONT=arial]Customer Support[/FONT][/B]


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    2. donnamonna

      donnamonna Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I should also mention that I always make sure Bnet app is killed before I start HB. I have it set to automatically close each time wow starts, and I don't start HB until it's closed. Not sure that's worth anything but I thought I'd mention it.

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