Hello community, after 30 mins of searching i didn't found an answer so maybe a thread like this already exitsts. I was using HB only for CR-Enyo in raids. I have got 3 World of Warcraft Accounts. Let's call them A, B and C. Account B was created after the first banwave may 2015 where Account A got banned(6 months) with another emailadress. B got banned 12.2015(6 Months) after A got free again. A got banned again(18 months) feb 2016. After that I created Account C on the emailadress/Battlenetacc of Account A. As now my Accounts Achievements, Mounts etc. are splitted on 2 Battlenetaccounts, I integrated WoW-Account B to the BNetaccount of A and C. Now as all WoW accounts have another type of botting detection (A: 2times banned, B: 1time banned, C: not banned) my question is: If for example im starting to bot with Acc C: is it possible to get permabans on the other Acc? Has anybody made experiences with bans on the same Battlenetacc and different WoW-Accounts?