Honorbuddy only. Release with the most recent update. Was running the bot as I got banned. Kicks 68-80 WotLK. Haven't used any other than his leveling pack since WoD release. Default, Hunter Beast master & Survival, Prot Warrior, Balance & Feral Druid ItemForAuraQuestHelper 6-12h, I varied a lot and essentially only ran it whenever I would play something else or I'm at my computer already. Once every 60 min. ~300-500 auctions constantly since Wrath of the lichking. No No and nothing related to gold selling/trading. EU Paid I wanted to add that this is my main account that I've played on since late vanilla. Started using this bot somewhere in Cata and have survived every ban wave even when I was being reckless. All I've done with the bot in WoD is level, Garrison and very few LFR runs.