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  • 68-80 horde questing profile

    Discussion in 'Requests & Discussion' started by CPhantom, Sep 6, 2011.

    1. CPhantom

      CPhantom New Member

      Jul 31, 2011
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      I'm looking for one that is up to date and not drawing any attention to it (I noticed people were getting banned for one of the 70-80 profiles)

      I would write one myself if I knew how to write them, but unfortunately I'm pretty uneducated on the stuff. Maybe if someone showed me around some good guides to writing questing profiles I'd check it out sometime :) Are there any nice set ups for writing profiles? Like with a GUI or something? Where do you find quests and stuff? etc? I assume you could write a profile based on a good guide like zygor or something right?

      If there is a profile writer looking to make some $, I am willing to pay as well. Just give me a shout.
      Last edited: Sep 7, 2011

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