If your seeing this.... Tripwire Active, shutting down Honorbuddy! Or This. Session Invalid. here's what you need to know. 1. Dont Panic. 2. if you have other copies of honorbuddy running that are not disconnected by tripwire (not possible unless your doing naughty things) disconnect them as soon as possible. 3. This has NOTHING to do with the previous Tripwire activation, all this means is blizzard updated or pushed another change that our devs need to investigate. tripwire is our safety net, what it does it it checks for updates being pushed while the game is active, and if an update is pushed that changes things that need to be looked at, then tripwire will activate and people will be disconnected. NOTE: Your account is not at risk and your account is not banned or flagged. this was a precautionary measure to ensure the safety of the bot and its users. What happens now? right now we're going to have the devs check and see whats been changed and if something changed a new update will be pushed or till the tripwire status is cleared. what can you do? dont make new threads, dont spread false information and dont speculate on things you cant possibly know. be patient, these things take time. you can find more information here, long with updates in the official thread. https://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-forum/171739-official-tripwire-event-27-jul-2014-03-44-utc-post1586372.html