As the title so clearly states, I got a 72-hour ban for botting. About two-three weeks ago, I was banned for 3 hours for the same thing. Figured there'd be a 24-hour ban inbetween there somewhere, but apparently not. Anyway, I guess my question here is whether I should call them to appeal the ban or not. Saying something like "A friend of mine told me this is legal! I didn't even realize I had received the first ban as I don't use my bound email address regularly and I must have been out the 3 hours I was banned for." Obviously I'd word it differently and probably come up with a better story, but do you reckon this will suffice for a suspension lift? It so happens that I'm the GM of the best PvP guild on my server, and I kinda need to get on to sort RBGs and whatnot. Thank you in advance for your replies.
I wouldn't appeal it. I definately wouldn't be botting that account anymore for something obvious like BGs either if you care about it at all.