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  • 72 Hour Suspension - Millz BGFarmer

    Discussion in 'Ban Section - Ban Reports' started by holz, Nov 17, 2015.

    1. holz

      holz New Member

      Feb 5, 2010
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      Was the game account created after the 13-May-2015 banwave?

      EU or US realm?

      Did the account have any previous suspensions or bans?

      How many (average) hours per day did you bot?
      Have not used the bot since the last time i got permaban (about 1.5 year ago)

      What estimated percentage of the time did you supervise your bot?
      Before i used bot mainly for getting the pvp gear for my toons, but as i said this time i launched the bot after 1.5 year break and got 72 hour suspension in less than 4 hours of doing random bgs with Millz BGFarmer.

      Was your account involved in gold selling?

      How many auctions per day did you post on this account?
      10-20 but when i got banned there were less.

      Did you use any non-Honorbuddy bots with this account? If so, which ones?

      Did you use any H4cks, Che4ts, or mods with this account? If so, what are their names?

      Do you have any observations about the event you'd like to share?
      As i said i found a way to make gold without botting and recently i leveled up a new char and decided to gear him up using old school pvp method (that before, 1.5 years ago worked very well), should have spent my gold on champion's honor instead. I was amazed how fast i got banned considering that i had no violations for the past 1.5 years. It is obvious now that Blizzard finally found a way to detect pvp botbases like Millz, BgBuddy, etc very efficiently and fast. Glad they gave me 72 hours as the account that got suspended had lots of valuable stuff (gold, achievements, pets, mounts, alts, etc...). Another observation is that before you would get straight permaban now you get 72 hour suspension, which in my situation is a lifesaver since i could save my valuable account. Too bad i checked the ban topics for the past month only after i got the suspension. Almost all of them are due to pvp botting using either BgBuddy or Millz or other pvp bot bases. I advice people not to use bot in the random bgs or other pvp activities, you will get banned pretty fast.



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