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  • 72 Hour Suspension - Question?

    Discussion in 'Ban Section - Ban Reports' started by Thegreatone, Oct 28, 2015.

    1. Thegreatone

      Thegreatone Member

      Feb 24, 2013
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      72 Hour Suspension - And some Question's if ANYONE would answer

      Was the game account created after the 13-May-2015 banwave? No

      EU or US realm?US

      Did the account have any previous suspensions or bans? But i've used HB for a long time, on and off, and just started using paid/user created profiles for dungeons/farming more often, just used for farming/gathering in the past.

      How many (average) hours per day did you bot?4-8 a few days, but then i played when I woke up for 8-12 hours so a bunch fo days probably online for 18+ hours. During MOP I use to play for 18+ hour days for 6+ months (back injruy) before I took a break and just came back but never botted then. Just saying that my account has had my playing many hours in past so the amount of hours playing can't be directly the reason. Is the bot detectable by them only checking your account and they can instantly tell? but if they dont check the account then your ok?

      What estimated percentage of the time did you supervise your bot? 75%

      Was your account involved in gold selling?No

      How many auctions per day did you post on this account? past week I probably posted 100 or less from things obtained but really wasn't using bot to make gold. And some items kept coming back from not being sold so i'd put on the AH again..
      (If you were posting auctions at some other time frame than "per day", please describe your magnitude and frequency as appropriate.)

      Did you use any non-Honorbuddy bots with this account? If so, which ones?
      (A non-legitimate Honorbuddy should be listed here, as it does not have the same account protections as legitimate Honorbuddy.)

      Did you use any H4cks, Che4ts, or mods with this account? If so, what are their names?No

      Do you have any observations about the event you'd like to share? I was using spegeli questing 90-100 and I noticed a few times, that it would glitch out and then recorrect itself, but there was a few occasions where I had to manually move the bot/finish an objective, like they put a mob up in a rock that couldn't be attacked/killed(6 hours before ban) and the previous day there were a few things, but dont remember them all.. But I have been using mostly to farm mounts etc and just figured i'd use spegeli to level my remaining alts. I also believe that singular automatically has intterupt's enabled? If so i didn't disable it which I probably should have, looking back. It's funny how you see all your mistakes after the mistake has been made.

      if I continue to bot and they ban my account, will I be able to link it with another account and still receive all my mounts/pets that I already obtained through the banned account? They also pushed an update to my client yesterday, not sure if that could of been it?
      Also should just using enyo with cr's be safe? Maybe raid studio bundle?? anyone else doing this and no issues? please pm me if you have any suggestions or have any answers to my question if you can't/don't want to reply in thread. Any help would be much appreciated!

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      Last edited: Oct 29, 2015

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