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  • 72 hour suspension

    Discussion in 'Ban Section - Ban Reports' started by Gotze, Aug 30, 2013.

    1. Gotze

      Gotze New Member

      Jan 17, 2013
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      Just out of curiosity. I've been slapped with a SECOND 72 hour suspension for botting. I've used Glider, and Pirox bots, and have accounts banned from both of those without even the slightest bit of mercy with regards to giving me a suspension.

      Why now? I've been caught twice, and only slapped with 72 hour suspensions? I'm not even mad that I've been caught, I'm more puzzled at the fact that I've been caught and let off with a warning, only to get caught again.

      I'm not knocking it, I'm just confused.

      Has anyone else had this happen?

      Is it a case where maybe Blizz didn't think I was botting, but thought I was being a dick head in BG's by being so incredibly bad at it that they thought I was purposely trying to screw my team over by just standing there?

      BTW, all I ever do when I Bot is BGBOT. Any time I raid, I use lazy raider, and I find it extremely difficult for anyone to detect a botter when they're using lazy raider/tyrael.

      I could be wrong. I have been a million times before.


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