My main account just received a suspension for using a "hack." I have been online about an hour. I have only used Raidbot. I turned OFF the bot when I wasnt actually fighting. In this case, I was not IN a raid today at all. I was doing dailies. I then switched to a lower level toon, turned on the Raidbot, and qued for a random (lvl 30) dungeon. I took 2 steps inside the instance and Ban-o. I do NOT use any Gatherbot or Questbot or anything other than raidbot. I dont PvP and I dont sell anything in AH. Having established that this is my MAIN account, I refuse to risk anything too "shady" like gathering. So .... how did the ban hammer (suspension) fall on me?
Someone must have recognised "bot behaviour" during one of your raids. Sometimes it's obvious when the toon doesn't run out of AOE attacks or something similar. Some players are bullish on reporting people. Sad but true.