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  • 72H Suspension (Turned into ban after appeal)

    Discussion in 'Ban Section - Ban Reports' started by jake1805, Oct 8, 2013.

    1. jake1805

      jake1805 New Member

      Apr 18, 2012
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      72H Suspension

      1)Were you using Honorbuddy, Gatherbuddy or both on the account?
      Used gatherbuddy once, but it was a while ago. Mainly used honorbuddy with kick's quest profiles.

      2)If so, when was the last time?:
      gatherbuddy maybe a month ago? honorbuddy yesterday

      3)What profile were you using?:
      Kick's 1-90 for honorbuddy, Patto92's mega profile for gathering

      4)What combat class were you using? if None Just put Default then the Classname:

      5)What plugins are you using?:
      AutoEquip2, Anti Drown, Talented

      6)How many hours per day did you bot for?:

      6.5)What honest percentage of time did you supervise your bot?

      7)How many auctions per day did you have?:

      8)Did you Use Any Other Bots, Hacks, or Mods?

      9)Was your account involved in gold selling?

      10)EU or US realm?

      11)Is the banned account a Scroll of Resurrection or an actual paid account?
      actual paid account

      I received a 72 suspension yesterday. 2 minutes after appealing, the account was banned. I am now trying to appeal by admitting what I did and apologizing. I mainly used the bot for leveling and keeping up with my friends who could play more than I do. I'll likely not use a bot again, sadly. I've botted on and off for years, and this is only my 2nd time being banned, the first being the pirox arch ban wave.

      I have a question, for the other accounts on my battle.net, do I get to keep the mounts/pets/titles/achievements that are battle.net wide? Or do those go away now that my main account is banned?

      Thanks for the great support and profiles.

      UPDATE: Just tried to login, and it said temporarily suspended. I called to verify, and the account is indeed sitting on a 72 hour suspension. Not sure why I got the ban email, maybe my begging got it reversed? Who knows, regardless, I'm not gonna make the same mistake again. I will happily take my 72 hour suspension and not bot again, or at least wait a long time before doing so again.
    2. Phyzoon

      Phyzoon New Member

      Feb 29, 2012
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      One thing that I learned from reading ban reports on this forum, if you care about the accounts that you are botting with, was:

      "Got a 72h ban? Take it like a man and stop botting."
    3. jake1805

      jake1805 New Member

      Apr 18, 2012
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      Indeed, kicking myself in the ass for appealing a suspension.

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