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    Discussion in 'Ban Section - Ban Reports' started by Aion, Aug 27, 2013.

    1. Aion

      Aion Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 18, 2011
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      Hello, it seems its my call today.

      Havent been hit since almost half a year, after adopting extreme conservative settings for using GB2 in Pandaria, following the rised radar level on Blizzard side. So here it is:

      1)Were you using Honorbuddy, Gatherbuddy or both on the account?

      Both, usually GB2, and HB for other non-profit activities for randomization.

      2)If so, when was the last time?:

      2-3 hours before hit.

      3)What profile were you using?:

      Gatherit private and donator mega profiles.

      4)What combat class were you using? if None Just put Default then the Classname:

      Default - Singular for Druid.

      5)What plugins are you using?:

      None for GB2, Brodie's for dailies.

      6)How many hours per day did you bot for?:

      Usually 3h, up to 4h, split in few sessions with nice activities between them - LFR, Dailies, Arenas, Outdoor bosses - on same char or other 90lvl alts.

      6.5)What honest percentage of time did you supervise your bot?

      0 - 70%, watch it on spare monitor from time to time.

      7)How many auctions per day did you have?:


      8)Did you Use Any Other Bots, Hacks, or Mods?


      9)Was your account involved in gold selling?

      In the last month - no, in the past - probably.

      10)EU or US realm?


      11)Is the banned account a Scroll of Resurrection or an actual paid account?

      SoR account, active since alot of time! The funny part - hit was only few hours before my gametime was going to end.

      Had used 2m GCs so far, last month was from my own private RAF service.

      The mail was sent from the usual GM mailbox, even not signed, still looks 100% manual investigation and penalty.

      I assume, I was reported, multiple times or even single one, who knows ;)

      Some trivia:

      • The character never received messages from other people regarding botting or anything, several times per month I received kind requests for Warbringers helo, which sometimes I have accepted, and manually helped.
      • The druid was kinda overgeared (for gatherbot of course :D) - Full LFR gear, ilvl 510+, partially gemmed, enchanted, so not dragging attention vs the other 250k hp, mindlessly flying 90lvl birds in full quest greenies.
      • It was tuned for maximum efficiency, usually running with over 200 NPH - In the short windows I have used it, it had to pay well back.
      • It had several non-profit activities on daily basis, including Dungeonbuddy in LFR as dps/healer, HC Scenarios (Always in private party :p), Questbot as Dailies and manual Outdoor bosses, Some arenas too.

      The only thing, which surpise me is the ban mail, do not remember the same template before: Abuse Of Game Mechanics without mentioning 3rd party or anything around, simply Exploitation.\

      Im open for ideas and discussion regarding the reasons,

      Have a nice evening.

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