1)Were you using Honorbuddy, Gatherbuddy or both on the account? Honorbuddy 2)If so, when was the last time?: All,logs end around 2:23 Am this night 3)What profile were you using?: 1) w00tsTwilightHighlandsMiningHorde091811 2) [GB2] Zuabros' Azshara's Veil 1.1 3)[GB2] Zuabros' Uldum no-cinderbloom 1.5 4)What combat class were you using? if None Just put Default then the Classname: FPSware Paladin/Deathknight/Druid 5)What plugins are you using?: None 6)How many hours per day did you bot for?: usually 12-14 6.5)What honest percentage of time did you supervise your bot? 5% 7)How many auctions per day did you have?: about 60 8)Did you Use Any Other Bots, Hacks, or Mods? No 9)Was your account involved in gold selling? Some of them were some not 10)EU or US realm? EU 4 Accounts survived the nigth the other 8 were banned. All accounts were banned for Economy Exploitation. Fortunately i can still access all my gold with a classic account So my question is...how do i appeal this best? Call them? file a ticket? What do I wirte? Just plain that I wasnt doing the stuff they said?
write them that you were questing and or farming, write them some things "normal" players would do, and state clearly that you never sold gold or anything else thats against the TOS. did this a few times and got some of my suspended/banned accounts back. some not just try it on one ticket, if it works, write something similar in the other tickets.
Try getting one of your accounts on which you didn't sell gold back, you have the most chance on those.
Only got one of them back...the tickets for the other ones were closed pretty fast. Also noticed that from my 12 accounts they picked my oldest ones and the one that got unbanned was the youngest one of them. Guess it was just time for a ban^^
Just keep emailing them everyday. They did the same to me once. I just kept emailing until they unbanned Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk