Anyone know if this is going to be worth it? I was thinking since looks like instancebuddy will be out in time.. I'd take my 5 toons and grind instances to 85 instead of individually leveling the toons, but perhaps questing would be faster? Just figured since I got feral, 2 mages, 1 rogue and resto shaman I could chain random queue
It may be viable. But im guessing alot of people will have your idea, Not only bots but millions of players. So im guessing The Instance servers are going to be running at full load for a few weeks. Remember wotlk, Remember getting stack at the loading screen when trying to enter a dungeon, Getting kicked out halfway through, Every few hours [server] Instance restart 15mins. i would expect that.
a lot of the new instances will not be able to be botted because of portals, scripted events, new never before seen boss effects, things falling from the sky that kill you instantly. It is hard for a full group of players to complete these instances, thats why they put a gearscore req. on them, I find it hard to see bots completing them.
Just remember that you can't do the new dungeons until you "discover" them similarly to flight paths. Also, even though the cata dungeons will give more exp, it's not like we can't farm the northrend ones. I'm not sure if the random dungeon finder will place you in those if you manually que for specific lvl 80 regular or heroic dungeons, but we know that the bot can handle those. At least for a couple levels, until 82-83 that is. I plan on doing mostly PvP leveling, both botting and hand playing, cause that's my style.
The new dungeouns will need to be scripted, and apparently require a significant amount of crowd control - so until instancebuddy evolves a bit more to allow for tanking + scripted tank marking targets + scripted crowd control on marked targets, it probably won't be feasible. Me? I plan to harvest my way to 85 =)
Yeah if the new dungeons require as much CC as they are saying don't get your hopes up on IB being viable for Cata dungeons. At least until everyone outgears them.
the new cata instances that i have been look alot harder then WOTLK was, as in more effects, more Vehicles and such.
the current northrend dungeons could get you quite abit of xp needed. as will gathering, but you'll need a bit of time to get the paths worked out if you don't do them yourself of course. you may not be able to "instancebuddy" through the new ones, at least not immediately, but i've been running mine like more of a 2 or 3 boxer so i've just got 2 support/dps toons focusing fire on my target. so for a lot of the new instances i'm already good to go.
oh yeah, gathering gives xp now, so most of you are just going to keep gathering on your bots and level your mains? I guess I'll hand level my two main toons first then mess with the bots after. I'm not sure how well the northrend herbs will sell after cata hits.. I might just have them all farm saronite since I can rely on that making gold
anybody here have experience 5 botting in instances? let's say a lvl 85, getting 4 other toons 60-80? would instancebuddy be able to do it ? (since they can't LFD together.. just wondering if 'farming dungeon) would be suffice enough for it.