Anyonw know of any decent torrent sites with music. im mostly looking for 80s-2000s rock. Thanks all.
I recommend downloading Frostwire. Limewire was put out of buisness so they slapped a new name on it and they're offering it for download again. I also recommend getting a good virus scanner if you go this route. I have a completely separate computer I use for downloading music.
I just download on my galaxy vibrant.. there r several programs for the android platform and downloading is free.
soul seek I've been using to find individual songs lately. Pretty impressive collection too. think the website is
yeah well i just relised after coming home from iraq that my music collection external was damaged somehow so ive lost 500g of music. time to work on my music collection again. I just dont like downloading crap i know im not ever going to listen to for the sake fo downloading.
I used to have every single album lp cd and tape they put out. no idea where its all at now. likely at my folks place. (hopefully)