This is for farming Black Prince/Mote of Harmony/ Domination Point Commissions for ALLIANCE The horde profile as originally made by Castiel but I editted this one to work for alliance instead. Profile has a few blackspots to try and prevent the bot from running into the fences which can get it stuck. Also has a blackspot on the ship so shouldn't try to cross that one. Stand around here when you start the profile: Should have working vendor and mailbox in it. Let me know how it works out for you Botbase: Grindbot Download: View attachment Black Prince Farm.xml Q&A: Q: Bot doesn't do anything. It just stays in air. A: Try dismounting and starting the profile from the ground.
Grindbot, try landing and then starting the bot, worked for me when I had that error. Sorry for not mentionning it in the original post: )