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  • A few bugs

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Support' started by Arbiter, Aug 2, 2011.

    1. Arbiter

      Arbiter New Member

      Jul 12, 2011
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      Using Honorbuddy
      Customclasses tried: FPSware Death Knight and Epidemic
      Class: Death Knight
      Level: 65
      Zone: EU

      Pathing 1: There seems to be an issue around Honor Hold where it insists on using the entrance to the south. This results in the bot riding all the way around Honor Hold to get inside. I've tried removing the mesh-files, as well as reinstalling the bot from a blank slate.

      Pathing 2: Bot moves character too close to edges, resulting in the character falling down and making the bot having to run back around. Only for this to happen all over. Especially annoying if using archeologybuddy.

      Using Custom Classes: This seems to bug out Honorbuddy in that I can't open the "Settings & tools" menu. The same goes for "Class Config". But the latter only occurs if I've selected a custom class.

      Singular: Does not show any customization options for Death Knight.

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