Ive been having a few issues with gather buddy lately. Been farming bruiseweed to get an insane title. Issue 1: If the bot agroes a mob before take off and then flies into a tree it get stuck in it and doesnt use the unstuck procedure of backing up and flying up. Issue 2: As my herber is a gnome sometimes if the node is too close to a wall or anythign else the bot stands there constantly casting the flying mount, as there is no room for it the cast goes off but nothing happens so the bot tries to cast the mount again and so forth. It can sit there for hours just doing this. Issue 3: pretty much every 2nd node or so it harvests really slowly. It lands but is still running when it tries to click on the node, so i get an error message saying cannot do while moving. So the bot waits 2-3 secs then tries again(looks extremely bottish) To resolve it ive tried using different cc's ive tried new installations and making my own profiles. And it hasnt fixed anything. I can uploag a log later if necessary where both of these issues happened and i restarted it manually for issue 1 i just move it a little bit. Same goes for issue 2 it just needs to run a little bit.
log should definitely show the mount one and the stuck in tree one. plus during all of it it would get issue 3
The cant do that while moving error seems to happen to me on another char while mining as well. it tries to loot it too early. before the char stop moving
Can u try a new Hb installation from scratch plz Keep all the Hb plugins disabled and your wow addons as well Try one of my profiles
Ive tried your suggestions. i got issue 1 again, on a brand new isntall of wow on my laptop not my desktop this time. on a new install of honor buddy as well. As im pretty sure the fault isnt with the profile. heres the part of the log that describes it: This happened when i went for a nap and the bot was in mid air for 2 hours while a mob was attacking it while it did nothing until i manually landed. The issue of could not do while moving also seems to happen more often on my desktop as it seems it something to do with the fps. As my pc runs wow at 60fps locked while laptop is about 20. [10:05:38:591] Flushing timed movement. Direction: AllAllowed [10:05:41:124] [Gatherbuddy2]: Harvested Kingsblood. [10:05:41:357] [Gatherbuddy2]: Approaching "Kingsblood" at X="-12072.4" Y="158.186" Z="15.7298" [10:05:41:357] Activity: Moving to node [10:05:41:633] Spell_C::CastSpell(32243, 0, 0x0, 0) [1471] [12:08:00:009] Dismount for attacker. [12:08:00:009] Stop and dismount... Reason: Combat [12:08:00:496] Dismount for attacker. [12:08:00:496] Stop and dismount... Reason: Combat [12:08:00:930] InteractDebug:1058188592 [12:08:00:972] Interact Done:1058188592 [12:08:01:556] Backup a wee bit, too close to our target [12:08:01:759] Spell_C::CastSpell(1752, 0, 0xF53002AE00438FEA, 0) [1472] [12:08:01:798] -Sinister Strike