Hey guys, made a quick profile for farming Fox Kits off the Baradin Foxes. I also blacklisted the Alliance town in one and Horde town in the other. For obvious reasons. Also blacklisted is that area with all the damn spiders. (Not the entire area, mainly just the central part since there are some foxes here) Download your appropriate one below.
My hunter is killing everything in his way and gets stuck at the worker in the entrance of the docks (the one that evades). I've tried to uncheck the 'kill between hotspots' option, but then it doesn't kill anything. Are there some reccomended settings to run this profile?
This just doesn't work that well for me, it tries to run through the Horde area even though I used the profile named "Alliance" and double checked it too. Maybe that was a fluke. However, it bypasses foxes all the time, runs right through them to another area to look for them again.
So far i have been running it for 5 minutes and it runs to a fox and then just stands there. doesn't kill it just stands there, if i kill the fox for it i have to loot it and then it mounts up runs to the next one and stands there.
Using the Alliance profile, working great... dropped once for me...after 714 kills...unfortunately I was AFKing and got caught, and they removed the pet. Totally my fault. Great profile none-the-less! Also, tubajedimr, can you add this to your profile post? So much easier to find...since fox and kit aren't allowed as search terms.
running this profile for more than 20 hours no foxy yet btw. the forcemail is useless since ther is no mailbox in tolbarad instead add Code: <Vendors> <Vendor Name="Kevin Geissler" Entry="48251" Type="Repair" X="-374.3594" Y="1052.682" Z="21.98269" /> </Vendors> and set sell white to false ( if you have skinning n stuff ) This is what you get if you don't vendor things *lol*
this profile works with 1 flaw, and it will give u away as a bot- as its pathing, mainly thru spider forest and after it leaves the front area of welson shipyard, it continues to double back its pathing. is there a code fix for this? otherwise its a nice fox profile, also i recomend using the default CC if your a druid as with fpsdruid ( feral) you dont swing around if the target is pulled behind you. while typing this i looted the fox- kudos mate.
I tried this profile today to farm the fox pet. It will go the the areas that the foxes are located perfectly fine but because the foxes do not agro and are passive npcs the bot will not attack them. Is there a way to make the bot attack this type of NPC? BTW I am using a rogue using the FPSware Rogue CC. Update...nevermind, got it to work with a different CC.
Good profile. However, I must agree with mixmasta007. It is quite embarassing when it decides that it cannot find a fox, and begins randomly pacing back and forth on the mount with no where to go.