Hey everyone, Ive been thinking for this threath for a while. What should i be telling and who to thank? Well ive figured it out. I started botting like 2 years ago, cause i was sick of leveling all my charrs and i cant play 1 class all the time. Im pretty into wow, so my school was going the bad way etc. But honorbuddy was the right solution for this problem ofcourse! At one night i was playing with a guildie and he told my about honorbuddy, so i was pretty interested from that moment. He helpen me set up the things and the botting was on! As a non experienced botter you want to bot 24/7 (NO TIME TO WASTE!!!). For all the new botters: Dont do this and take ur time. Just slow down and bot the time you would actually play. I made this mistake and i got banned (was my last bann too, cause sometimes i flame too much 3th bann is a perma bann). After the banns i quited botting for a while, cause i dont want to lose my account. Five weeks ago, we were in need of a resto shaman to complete our raid roster. But no1 had one, so one of my guildies was leveling a new one. It was pretty strange, cause the dude was online 24/7 non stop. I went for a chat with him and he told me he used honorbuddy, OMG I FELL IN LOVE THAT NIGHT AGAIN!! My girlfriend got a non banned wow account, i started botting again on her account (to save my main). Its so addicted. This moment i try to focus on laying low, to avoid the bannhammer. When i check my bot and i see other ppl walking around i make a little chat and help them where needed. Ive got a more social player. To make a long story short, honorbuddy is awsome! Makes you have alot more time for other things like, study, sports and drink beer with ur homies Thanks Kickz for ur awsome leveling profile! Good luck fellow botters, this is my story.