Hi, I am a complete newbie in the writing of profiles. To learn it, I have just tried to write a profile that earns you the pet "Miniwing" from Outlands - Terrokar Forrest. Miniwing Pet WowHead Link It works as far as actually everything except one Thing: when escorting the quest-npc the bot is not attacking all of the enemies on the way and the npc I need to accompany dies the current profile, which I have written is attched! what can I do to fix the error? or what I can change / improve? about help I would be very happy Greetz hidan PS: Profile must be startet somewhere in Outlands using Quest Bot!
Hi, Hidan88, and grats on getting started writing profiles! The first thing I'd try is switch from the Escort CustomBehavior to EscortGroup. EscortGroup handles many of the finer details that the older Escort does not. Full documentation and examples are in comments at the top of EscortGroup.cs file. Be certain you set EscortCountMax="1" for this quest. Otherwise, you might get surprises when other players are doing the quest at the same time. And one last thing... Questions like this one belong in the Community Developer Forum. That's precisely why it exists is to help developers of all types (profiles, combat routines, plugins, quest behaviors, etc) work through these kinds of issues. cheers & much success with your project, chinajade