Hey guys, READ THIS Working on a SMV Elites and Treasures questing profile. I'm a beginning dev and don't know much more than move commands but I managed to do about 30% of the content already. Posting this since people might be interested. I've already got of the IDs, except the ones I couldn't find on WoWhead. Organized the pickups so that you just do one walk around the map, no backs and forth etc. If anybody wants to help out, you can fill in the hotspots for the Treasures/Chests and help me with the stuff I commented, would be appreciated. Here's a general feel of the path : Download available, should get a popup whenever the profile comes to the point where I'm just too lazy to finish it. inspiration : https://www.thebuddyforum.com/honor...es-treasure-toys-profile-frostfire-ridge.html (i'm so much better, took the time actually do a quest order instead of randomly running around the map. kappa.) *WIP = Work In Progress
.... normally I avoid posting, but I have to ask. Did you intentionally draw a penis in the middle of the map..?
lmao, i hadnt noticed... i spat the water i was drinking when i saw what you were talking about. My monitor doesnt like your observation ha!
had to edit profile max level from 100 to 101 before it would load then bot stood in garrison not moving logs show this looping error [Ref: "SMV Elites and Treasures" @line 42] [18:45:32.836 D] Activity: No viable mobs in area. [18:45:33.496 D] Activity: Moving to hunting ground waypoint 'hunting ground center' [18:45:42.853 D] [InteractWith-v1857(debug)] No viable mobs in area. Excluded Units: Lunarfall Egg [ExceedsCollectionDistance(100.0, saw 208.5)]
Try to remove the class for the Lunarfall egg, actually anything that is inside your garisson, apparently, theres problems with garisson meshes.
In the xml file remove the block that start with "Pipper's Buried Supplies..." Each block looks like this: <!-- Pipper's Buried Supplies 4 --> <If Condition="!IsQuestCompleted(35384)"> <CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" MobId="232252" ObjectType="Gameobject" Range="4" X="1741.885" Y="209.3511" Z="73.42266"/> </If> Just remove all those lines.