I use Questingbot with kick's 12-58 questing profile and no plugins. So, usually my char should walk and do some quests, but he only stands there and doesnt walk :/ it's a level 32 warlock. If he gets attacked he acts and kills the mob but he only does that.. he doesnt mount on or doesnt walk anywhere. help pls. sry but i can't find a LOGS folder in the honorbuddy folder since the newest release :/
"No plugins", this isn't stopping you from moving but it's a huge mistake. I recommend getting the ones suggested by kick (I believe it's ItemForAura, Stuck helper and anti-drown) along with enabling and configuring "Auto-equip2" so your armour doesn't become so shit you can't fight. Second of all, have you tried waiting 60 seconds (30 second timeout *2) or clicking "Continue bot" on the two dialogues that pop up? Third, try moving your character outside (if in a building, had issues with inside path generating) or a popular city like Stormwind. Fourth of all, if none of the above work, try making a new character and using the 1-12 profiles, to see if it's the character/profile. If four works but 1-3 doesn't work, then, you'll have to give the log for users to be able to help you. It's normally found in: ...\HonorBuddyFolder\Logs\*.txt Or, if you can't find that, go to the debug and log tabs of the bot and copy and paste it all to here (Not sure if it contains any personal info, ctrl+f it) May I ask where you are in the world when you start it? Oh, and make sure you've chosen "Quest bot" (Not mixed/anything, first get it working with the real bot before starting more complicated stuff) and re-load the profile. Also try updating (With tortoise SVN right click the "Kick's profiles" folder and click "SVN update") the profiles. Hope I helped, if not, sorry.
i had same problem the other day and i found out it was becasue i didnt have a cc that suited the class/spec i was trying to bot
ok found it, sry but the last time there wasn't the folder i swear it now he runs, but only to a NPC 'cause he thinks the NPC has got a quest for him.. View attachment 28.12.2011_12_22 4944 Log.txt
[12:31:10:526] Compiling expression '(!IsQuestCompleted(26825))' @ line 4724 </If> make sure you're up to date before using my profiles (i update a few times a day; so you'll want to re-svn daily)